What Is The Watchtower Afraid Of?

by metatron 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • agonus

    David Ferrie

    Just replace "who killed the President' with 'what did Jesus mean by 'generation'' and you get the idea...

  • inbetween

    consfearacy said:

    "If there's an organization dedicated to this purpose, why should they be subjected to harsh and unreasonable criticism when new understanding is discovered?"

    my reply: that is not the issue. The problem of the org is, that they claim to be spirit directed, to be the only true religion, they demand strict obedience ("may we never question the FDS", "follow the FDS no matter what"), they sanction objection against their teaching harshly, they deny past wrong views and blame it on the flock, and so on..

    If they would humbly admit that they are often just guessing, and act accordingly, nobody would harshly or unreasonable critisize them...

  • metatron

    I'm amazed at how dense current Watchtower apologists can be to miss the circular reasoning in regard to the organization's public false predictions.

    I guess I shouldn't be surprized because it's also becoming evident that the organization is suffering from a brain drain - and this is all that's left to try and defend 130 years of broadgage lying.

    If the Watchtower can lie and lie and lie ( 'the End is soon, in 1918, in 1925, before you complete a career') , then nothing they say has any solid credibility. The best you can hope for is a strained sort of relative truth in which the lies are told for your ultimate good, like any modern government. The problem with that notion is, it puts you one hair's breadth away from total disbelief at any time ( as in "Damn, it was ALL A LIE !)


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