Are Earthquakes Really On The Increase?

by cognizant dissident 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • skin

    Our CO here in New Zealand is using the graph found at this site:

    It sounds like you could be talking about the same graph. If so, then verify the link on the graph. The link says that the data used to generate this chart is " Selected earthquakes of general historic interest"

    Some other signs that this graph is fake:

    1: According to this chart there was only 1 earthquake in 1994, the real number of earthquakes for that year can be found at:

    2: There was no increase of quakes after 1914, as they would have you also believe.

    We know the facts about these kind of graphs, the problem is that no JW would believe us, no matter how much prove we have. The CO can not be wrong. Even trying to show someone the true facts about earthquakes would have you labelled apostate.

  • debator

    " By limiting the range of earthquakes being counted in this report to magnitude 7 or above, it means these earthquakes can easily be identified by a limited number of seismographs, and we have ensured that any increase in frequency for these larger earthquakes cannot be down to the increase in overall detection rates in this 25-year period, as all these larger earthquakes are able to be easily detected with fewer seismograph stations. "

    I notice there is a 'disconnect' between what the USGS says in the above link you show, and what it shows in its earthquake listings.

  • cantleave

    No disconnect there at all. The "article" you quote from also states this:

    About the "End Times"

    Speaking of the signs that will happen, leading to his return to judge the peoples of earth (at the end of the age), Jesus is quoted as saying ‘in various places there will be famines and earthquakes - these things are the beginning of birth pangs’ (ref: Matthew 24). Now, because birth pains begin small and then increase in intensity and frequency, this passage can be interpreted to mean that earthquakes (and famines - caused primarily through lack of rainfall in certain areas) will increase both in frequency and impact/strength prior to Jesus’ second coming. Although Jesus is clear that no one will know the day or the hour, and his return will indeed happen “when you do not expect”, he does give us broad pointers, one of these being natural events – like earthquakes.

    So it is NOT a scientific review but a religious apologist trying to look scientific.

  • wobble

    When I looked at this matter once before, I found a HUGE spike in Earthquake activity !

    The only thing was it was around the 1670.s and 1680's if I recall, so did that start the "End Times" ?

    A ggod book about the whole "End Time" rubbish beloved by deluded religionists is : " A Brief History of End-Time" by Paula Clifford. 1997 Lion publishing plc.

    An interesting read, and Dr. Clifford outlines briefly the JW's contribution.

    "Is not time,even as love is, undivided and paceless ?"

    Kahlil Gibran "The Prophet"

  • frigginconfused

    I always hear "there have always been earthqueakes" and "its only because media has grown to the point where everything is being reported".

    I dont agree. Even if frequency of earthquakes have not gained. I still think they type of activity is different. This doesnt seem like plate tectonic shifting. Feels more like the earth is heating up inside. The crust is getting looser. And volcano activity is tied to it.

    By my guess Im expecting a bumpy ride. But it wont be solid till something like iceland, hawaii, or yelowstone blows up.

    Its the way these things are happening. Man is changing, the sun is getting ready to puke on us and the earth is gonna give us a good hard shake.

    Last week the sun had an eruption that made the arora borealis spread down to the US mainland. If the crust frees itself from the earth and the sun fires a big enough flare at us the whole thing could give way because of the magnetic shift. Hold on to your socks!

  • cantleave

    Frigginconfused, the one thing you should not be confused about is this, seismic activity is NOT a precursor to Armageddon!!

  • frigginconfused

    Why not?

  • bohm


    What you outline is the plot from the movie 2012. Are you completely sure that the plot from a B-movie is the best method for establishing a geological model?

    In that case, i think you should consider the movie called "The core". In that movie the earths core cooled down, and it had to be jumpstarted with a very large bomb. It even fit the evidence better, since the recent solar storm could be explained by a weakened magnetic field which was a symptom of the cooling core in the earth in the movie.

    Another movie you should consider is Sunshine where they had to jumpstart the sun with a large bomb.

  • blondie

    Matthew 24:44

    So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

    New International Version (NIV)

    Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica

    So if you are expecting this event to come with an earthquake(s) as a precursor, not!

  • frigginconfused

    Im not expecting him to come with an earthquake. I dont believe armagedon is a one day event that kills all the bad guys. I think armagedon is a series of events that exponentially get faster leading up to the end. Listen to the ending of "a day in the life" by the beatles. That is the sound of armegedon to me.

    Although no one knows the day or hour. I do believe it wont be a surprise. Like pangs of labor on a pregnant woman. You dont know when the baby is coming. But you do know she is pregnant and that her contractions getting closer are an indication of birth. Might be 40 hours might be 10 minutes. But this girl has started showing signs of popping!

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