Synopses of the Danni issue

by seven006 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Hi sixofnine - Thanks for your note, I've edited my post to clarify why I take it the officers thought there could be a case to build. I corrected the uniform line too.

    Even though I doubt much or all of the story anyhow, according to it they did, IMO, present themselves as officers, as Dave seems to acknoledge when he said the elder could have reacted to: 'A big ugly cop (sorry Darryl) getting in your face?

    My problem would be that if, as you point out (and I think correctly), the WTS uses the legal system with some level of sophistication then people who identify themselves as upholders of the law should recognise that they (and the cause they [perhaps unknowingly] represent) are in some legal jepordy when they tackle issues like this.

    It strikes as chest-puffing, not a thought out strategy to get to the truth of anything. It hands the WTS an easy victory with which to further build their case for legal invincibility.

    It's one thing to yell and scream and shout, it's another to get a job done. That's what I expect of cops who present themselves as cops.

    All this just damages the credibility of the story, IMO.

    Cheers, Max

  • SixofNine
    It strikes as chest-puffing, not a thought out strategy to get to the truth of anything.

    I took it as neither, personally. It just sounds like real life in all it's messy glory to me. I do think Danni had the best of intentions towards getting at the truth of matters. I don't think any representative of the WT, from the GB down to the lowliest mic runner, really wants ANYONE getting to the truth of what is at the core of JW-dom. Hell, they don't even want to think about that themselves.

    And we all have to admit, getting an elder red faced and screaming "Jehovah of ARMIES WILL NOT ALLOW...." is pretty beautiful stuff. An outsider couldn't make that up, I don't believe.

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Hi sixofnine - Was it Mark Twain who asked why truth shouldn't be stranger that fiction - fiction has to make sense?! ;-)

    What a, umm, 'blessed' congo to have elders with such dramatic flourish!! Wonder what their regular meetings are like!! LOL

    Have a great day

  • seven006

    I am asking AGAIN PLEASE stop posing on this subject and this thread now, PLEASE!!!!!!!

    This is VERY IMPORTANT that this stops. I hate to ask this if anyone but Please trust me!!!!!! and stop posting on this thread. I have asked Simon to lock this thread but I'm sure he has not seen my email yet. I will let you know more when I can. PLEASE STOP!

    PLEASE, if you care about any of this, PLEASE stop posting. There are very good reasons for me to ask you to do this. I have already gotten email and IM's with people trying to pose as Danni! I can not say any more at this time. Please figure this out, it is VERY IMPORTANT!!!!



  • RedhorseWoman

    As I stated before, I appreciate what Danni and Darryl did. The last thing the WTBTS wants is for information to get out about what goes on in the BOrg.

    Those of us who are ex-JWs are easy to dismiss....we are disgruntled apostates who wanted "things of this world" rather than "things of God". Non-JWs cannot be dismissed so easily.

    There are definitely cracks in the facade. Small cracks that it would seem the WTBTS is trying to plaster over with such things as gag orders. The repairs may work for a short time, but the pressure is building up, and a cracked wall is not a good bulwark against this pressure.

  • teejay


    I respect and fully understand your interest in letting this thread end. I want/expect/need no response to this but I hope you see it anyway. I would have emailed you, but you likely wouldn't have seen it until next Tuesday, so...

    As far as I'm concerned, you and I cleared the air two days ago. What differences you and I may have had (or only seemed to have) over this 'breaking story' are HISTORY.

    I am not a cop. Don't know any cops. Never have. What you've written here neither adds to nor diminishes from the near total belief I had on reading Danni's account the very first time. Danni's account always... always... rang true for me. I need/ed no further confirmation of its authenticity.

    Nevertheless, I want to thank you for posting it. While it doesn't answer all of my questions, it is an important post... one that may turn out to be one of the most important posts... EVER... on this board.

    (This board is truly amazing and I'm glad to be here.)

    With you, (and Danni and Darryl)

  • tyydyy


    I'm sorry. I don't know you well enough to "trust you". I have grown to respect your posts but when you said that you don't even know what city this was in.........Doesn't sound like you're privy to any kind of information that would lead me to "trust" you to be able to tell if this is a scam. Yes, you used to be a cop and I trust you to identify another cop by the language but you don't know if this is a witness that used to be a cop unless you check it out. I won't quit questioning until I at least hear some kind of reason why.

    I'm not upset with you but I really don't see how public knowledge could possibly hurt this situation. If the WTS has gotten the courts to issue a gag order then public knowledge would only help that gag order get lifted and get more media coverage. If media coverage comes weeks or months later then it will loose all it's potency.

    You don't have to say a word but don't expect us to be silent.



  • MadApostate

    Some of you may recall that I posted in the "main story" thread that I believed Danni's story to be "100% TRUE".

    Welllllll, few stories posted here are "100%" accurate, but I was, and still am, giving this story better than 50% odds that it is "mostly" accurate.

    WHY? Because what D&D claim to have done is par-for-the-course of a couple "loose cannon" "Barney Fifes", who think that their badges and guns give them the right to do whatever they like.

    AND, the "gag order" part of the story is also "a fit". Since D&D were supposedly acting as "citizen's", their secretly taping the meeting without permission raises all kinds of legal questions
    which supposedly the WTS would now be pursuing. The WTS's first step would be to get a judge to order the tape and its transcript to be "gagged".

    However, I would doubt that the order would prevent D&D from speaking from their own "recollections" of what was said, but one would have to see the alleged order. I suspect that if anyone has "gagged" D&D from all discussion of these events, it is their employer and its attorneys, who are trying to sort through this mess to see what liability D&D has brought on the police dept.

    The best thing D&D and the Dept has going for them is that they are dealing with the WTS. The WTS will gladly not sue so long as the tape/transcripts and any summaries never reach the general public. I have no doubt that the Dept would be fully cooperative with the WTS. D&D's situation depends on whether the "real facts" decide whether they were acting as cops or citizens. In either case, it is likely in the WTS's hands whether D&D will in the future be working for the Dept or Walmart.

    This alleged "gag order" would be a public document accessible by local media if someone wants to contact the media and put them onto this story. If this situation is true, it would likely receive much more media attention than the run-of-the-mill JW Molestation issue.

    On the other hand, there are alot of factors about this "story" that point to someone having alot of fun at the Board's expense.

    Time will tell. Getting this to the media would speed things up.

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