Congregation Elders got a letter from headquarters on "Sexting". I guess this is the latest trend causing problems.

by miseryloveselders 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    Last week, my COBOE, formerly known as the PO, read a letter from NY giving directions on how to handle cases of "sexting" in the congregation. I've vaguely heard of sexting in news articles. I'm thinking though, the Branch isn't going to send out a letter unless there's a trend. This is similar to the letter that was sent on pornography indicating that it is a major problem. I'm hearing more and more cases of brothers getting removed due to pornography. So now, here's the latest trend, "sexting." If I remember what I heard correctly, when a situation involving minors occurs with "sexting", the Elder body is to contact the Legal Department. This is the case, even when the people involved are both minors. For adults doing such, its up to the Elders discretion on whether or not it warrents a Judicial Committee.

    I have to admit, I'm somewhat intrigued by this. People are getting DF'd and privileges removed for sending each other explicit pictures or nasty talk via text messages on a phone.

  • seawolf

    It's actually just history repeating itself. This all went on in the 1990s on the computer via AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), ICQ, etc... Wasn't uncommon to have witness teenagers (18-19YO) sending nude pictures....

  • sir82

    Ain't modern technology grand?

    One more technological trend, and now 20 or so additional pages to add the WT Talmud giving explicit directions on what and what not to do in circumstances where people are "sexting".

    I can hardly wait until there are fully functional "sex robots" available which will provide a virtually realistic "experience". Can you imagine the (probably literally) hundreds or thousands of pages of letters, WT articles, KM articles, special talk manuscripts, etc. etc. that will be devoted to that topic?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    People are getting DF'd and privileges removed for sending each other explicit pictures or nasty talk via text messages on a phone.

    What do they expect, as much as they repress people sexually.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Oh FFS. They're just jealous because somebody's having sex and they're not.

  • JWoods

    Wait a minute - since when could they actually DF somebody for porn or sex texting? Priviledges removed, reproof, certainly - but I thought DF still required an unrepented "biblical sin with two witnesses"?

    Oh - never mind. I forgot about smoking, blood transfusion, not believing in the governing body, and a few other made-up DF sins.

  • Pistoff

    My witness family is all aghast at this trend.

    To me it seems like the modern day version of 'you show me yours, I'll show you mine.'

    Of course, some people make foolish decisions, witness kids maybe more so, and so instead of telling their kids to beware of perverts, it becomes a huge moral issue if people do what comes natural: look at naked pictures.

  • LostnFound

    I hope in the JC meetings they don't ask to look at the pics, 'just to be sure'... but it wouldn't surprise me if they did.



    The WBT$ never shuts up about sex..

    Then they wonder why JW`s think about it so much..

    The WBT$ is run by Idiots..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • undercover
    I hope in the JC meetings they don't ask to look at the pics, 'just to be sure'... but it wouldn't surprise me if they did.

    That's why you delete, delete, delete all texts. A friend of mind got in deep deep doo-doo when his girlfriend got snoopy and looked at his texts and found his 'sexting' relationship with someone else.

    Not that I condone teens or people in committed relationships to get into these things but whether you need to hide from mom and dad, your girlfriend or just the elders, delete that shit. Don't leave the evidence lying around.

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