Anyone currently attending a Kingdom Hall in Stockton CA?

by Expanded-Mind 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    I don't meant to be harsh , it's just that i've seen people treated pretty

    badly by this ORG. And you shouldn't put them in harms way

  • zeroday*

    I don't doubt that Expanded-Mind it just hasn't been my experience to see an elder ever question the society much less leave over questions...think of it really most elders I've ever known have had little education and dead end jobs where else can you raise to a position to have literally life and death decisions over others. My last PO was involved in a Supreme Court case involving the draft in WW2 and all thru the years never thought even once to question anything from the society every new light was eagerly embrased and accepted as was with evey elder body I've ever known...

  • Expanded-Mind

    Hi again, Wasblind!

    Hope you read my last post. I would never ask someone who wasn't comfortable with doing so, to discuss specifically which Kingdom Hall they attended or reveal any information that might expose them. And of course I would never want to cause a person undue hardship just because I want to know something (I think this is clear from my other posts). But if someone IS comfortable talking about it, then that is THEIR decision.

    If I could ask my relatives, I wouldn't be asking for help. But I will NEVER say (in your words) "good riddance to 'em"... my family and friends are precious to me and my door and my heart will always be open to them....


  • wasblind

    If your still have family and friends who are still in

    why is it they can't give you the info you need, about your

    relatives in stockton? anyway i hope you get the info you need

    without putting anyone else at risk and welcom back

  • Expanded-Mind

    Hey Wasblind!

    Unfortunately, because I disassociated, my relatives who are JWs will no longer speak or associate with me, so trying to aski them any questions about our mutual JW relatives in Stockton is not likely to happen --- and relatives that are not JWs have essentially been cut off by the JW relatives, so my guess is that none of them have any information.

    Thanks for your welcome back... I appreciate it!


  • wasblind

    I truly hope you find you find what your looking for , being separated from

    familiy is the worst. My heart goes out to you.

  • yknot

    it has been awhile since i visited one of them......

    they were more secular than my KH....... one girl had a blue streak in her hair (4yrs ago).

  • Expanded-Mind

    Thank you all for you replies and comments!

    Yknot--- I can only hope that the girl with the blue streak in her hair was one of my relatives! <smile!>

    Eveyone have a good fourth of July weekend!


  • wasblind

    "Unfortunately, because I disassociated,"

    losing family is unfortunate

    disassociating yourself from lies should not be considered unfortunate

    it's should be viewed as enlightening

  • Expanded-Mind

    Hey Wasblind!

    If you read my sentence in context, the word "unfortunately" relates to the shunning I've received from my family, not from the fact that I left the WT organization.

    Its just a sad consequence --- in my case --- that because of following my God-given conscience (leading to the rejection of the organization) I lost the association and friendship of some very dear people.


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