does their text for today make sense to anyone?

by booby 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • agonus

    Yes, we ARE in a lifesaving preaching work, but not really, since Matthew 24 has already been fulfilled.

  • serenitynow!

    "WTW, Why are you being twofaced? Going out in service then calling your Elders hounders."

    He's not. He's saying that no matter how much you do, there is always some dummy in the org telling you to do more. And instead of that (usually a brother) person minding his own business, he thinks he can tell other people how much time they should be putting in in FS.

  • agonus

    For every "yes or no" question you could possibly ask the Governing Body, their official answer, regardless of the question, is invariably a resounding "Yes and no."

  • BANE

    Serenity, I have never let that bother me. Anyone anytime tries to encourage me to do more I take what they say. If I can apply it I do, if I cannot, I just let it go. Why does everyone get their panties in a bunch about this?

    I have encouraged other people to pioneer as well. It IS a lifesaving work. The more out the better.

  • beksbks

    Is that what you are doing here? Counting time?

  • agonus


    It IS and it ISN'T. Don't question the Faithful Slave's non-answer or you may or may not die at Armageddon which is definitely possibly might be kind of around the corner in a few more decades.

  • ambersun

    It doesn`t matter if WBT$ information makes sense or not..

    Your supposed to smile,nod in agreement and remain in a comatose state..

    Thinking will only confuse you..

    Outlaw sums it up nicely I think!

  • BANE

    So Amber....When the bible says do not steal that doesn´t make sense to you? I suppose you would just love for someone to break into your house and rob you blind right?

    So no...The bible and the Watchtower society DOES make sense doesn´t it?

    So agonus, You don´t believe Armaggedon is coming? It IS in the Bible, not just a WT teaching you know.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Never read the damn thing unless I was conducting for field service and only a hit and a miss then. Even at the District Conventions I wouldn't bother. Its just Watchtower lite rehashed. Ugh.

  • ambersun

    So Amber....When the bible says do not steal that doesn´t make sense to you?

    Yes, it makes perfect sense to me. I am an honest person and I don't need the bible or the GB to tell me not to steal.

    I suppose you would just love for someone to break into your house and rob you blind right?

    Now that's just being silly

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