I don't know what made be buy the Universal Sovereignty argument for the permission of evil

by gubberningbody 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    I personally believe All That Is (The Mighty One) does exist, however, not in way, some believe or understand. Quantum Mechanic's and Physics mixed with the emergence of corporal newly born ego... is quite complicated......for a new born to understand......

    The first actual humans, were a very crude corporal version of mankind.......

    If we truly evolved from animals. A shift took place from just being of instinctual nature. Or, if the first crude humans are born from micro organisms as animals were born from earths soil....a shift still took place with the emergence of ego........which humankind needs to understand things like....not putting your hand in the fire...etc... with the emergence of an ego = deeper understanding.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    So is the fire Evil for burning the man or does man need to learn how to use the fire in a productive way.....

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Sorry...I just realized my error....

    Animals were born from water bacteria's ( micro organisms)....

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