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by gutted 163 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BANE

    Jook, WHAT have I lied about? I am beggin you to tell me! You still do NOT have to pay them ANYTHING! That´s why it´s called a donation. They don´t freaking take it out of your paycheck like the Govt. GIVE ME A BREAK!

    Outlaw, So you actually PAY the org for Gas money, clothes, and coffee? YOU PAY THE KINGDOM HALL FOR THAT? What a drip you are! Do you have to drive to work and pay for lunch? OH MY GOD! What an evil job you have! It´s the same there but you don´t complain about it do you? You have to DRIVE to go see a movie. Does the movie theater PAY YOUR GAS and car maintenance for you? PUHLEASE! You are SO defeated on this point. If you don´t want to be one of Jehovah´s witnesses....DON´T! It´s a choice, Hammerhead!

    Um yeah...The israelites had to MISS WORK and pay to go to their conventions too. The people work hard to give good talks, keep the restrooms clean for you to use, security for parking AND the place is rented that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR! That´s why it is called VOLUNTARY donations.

    The WT has taken NOTHING from me. They have NEVER come to my house asking for money etc.

    So............... right back at you!

    I know my posting restrictions are up now. And MrsJones you are right...IF I last that long....I have no doubt that a true christian like me will be banned from here while the rest of you BREAK posting guidelines by cussing like sailors. EVEN though number 3 of the posting guidelines says you cannot do it. Mrsjones doesn´t know any other words than cusswords. Don´t believe me? Look through her posts. DarthPlageus too.

  • shamus100
    Mrsjones doesn´t know any other words than cusswords.

    You are a poopie-head!

  • jookbeard

    Bane; you lie just like your leaders lie to you in a similar way the R&F Dubs lie to anyone they speak to, the simple fact is that your religious organization is built on lies spread by liars, Dubs only know how to lie a giveaway is when thier mouths open

  • mrsjones5

    Boo hoo Bane. You have as many posts as a newbie is allowed. You were allowed to come back by the owner of the site. How long you stay is up to you. If you continue to be verbally combative you will not last long here.

  • BANE

    I am not combative. I am simply telling the truth. The name of this site is a lie. You say you were banned by the JW´s right? That many here are SO scared about it, like little girls. That this place is a ¨safe¨place for freedom of expression and then a true christian like me gets banned. Don´t you see the hypocrisy? You guys complain for many years here and I have been here 5 days and already got banned. I didn´t know apostates could disfellowship too. HAHAHA....You try and dish out the heat but you JUST can´t take it can ya? I haven´t broken any of the rules. Jesus MY lord himself called the apostates of his day Vipers and Snakes. I follow his example. This is a supposed Jehovah´s Witness site right? Then one SHOULD be allowed to talk the Bible here AND Bible examples. I figure the ONLY people that don´t get banned here are the apostates and the hiders: Which really are apostates anyways. The real Christians that try to help get banned in a heartbeat.

    Jook, More weird words... What is an R and D Dub? Some kind of new Compact Disc recording device? A new muffler perhaps? I have been called an apologist too. STILL don´t know what that one means. Number 8 of the posting guidelines says to speak in English. You are not being clear here. What PRECISELY have I lied about Jook? Care to enumerate examples?

    So is this a lie? ¨You must not commit adultery?¨ We say that one don´t we? It comes from the Bible doesn´t it? So NOW you are saying the Bible lies don´t you? Wow....

    EDIT: Um yeah Outlaw...When one VOLUNTEERS they do not get paid. Like when one volunteers at the Vets office. He does it for the love of animals. He doesn´t get paid either. OH MY GOD! What an evil Veterinarian! HE must have demonic cats and dogs! Or Volunteermarch! How dare they march for free right! Or It is a volunteering place too THAT DOESN´T PAY! Wow...So ALL voluteering is in YOUR MIND, evil right? Hmm....What a selfish person YOU are!

    The WT society is a volunteering way of life. It´s SERVICE to others. Oh guess what! The apostles WERE NOT PAID EITHER! Lord have mercy the people on this site do not use their brains at all.

    I guess Moses jogged on down after Mount Sinai for his FREE check from Jehovah. Is that right? Or perhaps Jesus had to punch a time clock?


    Outlaw, So you actually PAY the org for Gas money, clothes, and coffee? YOU PAY THE KINGDOM HALL FOR THAT? What a drip you are! Do you have to drive to work and pay for lunch? OH MY GOD! What an evil job you have! It´s the same there but you don´t complain about it do you? You have to DRIVE to go see a movie. Does the movie theater PAY YOUR GAS and car maintenance for you? PUHLEASE! You are SO defeated on this point. If you don´t want to be one of Jehovah´s witnesses....DON´T! It´s a choice, Hammerhead!

    Um yeah...The israelites had to MISS WORK and pay to go to their conventions too. The people work hard to give good talks, keep the restrooms clean for you to use, security for parking AND the place is rented that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR! That´s why it is called VOLUNTARY donations.

    The WT has taken NOTHING from me. They have NEVER come to my house asking for money etc.

    So............... right back at you!....Bane


    Providing Free labour..

    For the multi-Billion Dollar organization the WBT$,is costly..

    The WBT$ does not re-emberse you for expenses..

    Therefore all money spent to work for free,for the WBT$..Comes out of your pocket..Not the WBT$`s pocket..

    Your not smart enough,to be considered Stupid..

    .............................. ...OUTLAW

  • jookbeard

    Outlaw; could not have put it better, Bane you keep filling up your tank, banging on doors, buying countless mags which will collect dust in your home, Bane you are a slave, and an exploited one at that

  • Sayswho


  • shamus100

    Kiss me!

  • little witch
    little witch

    Uh, What was the original question again?

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