WT Sept 15th KoolAid - the edition that just keeps giving

by undercover 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • serenitynow!

    "When you were still a dub, did you say thank you after sneezing and someone stated God bless you? When I was younger and sneezed, and they said God bless you, I just acted like I didnt hear it."

    I understand why you acted that way, but that's rude to anyone other than a JW. I have always said thank you if someone says bless you. I still dont say bless you to people when they sneeze because I think it's stupid. But if someone tells me to "have a blessed day" I thank them and wish them the same.

    If you really think about it, this is another means to make sure that JWs remain isolated. By refusing to allow JWs to engage in basic interaction with others by demonizing what really are just societal niceties, the GB further alienates them from the rest of the world. It works to keep them enslaved to the org, and also to keep them from being able to function in the world should they try to escape.

    I still have to make myself say "happy birthday" to people, and I constantly feel like I am acting like a weirdo. A couple of my co-workers gave me Xmas gifts, and I felt really awkward, I didn't get them anything. I am thinking of designing a t-shirt that says "I was raised a Jehovah's Witness, so please forgive me for being retarded."

  • sd-7

    I was weirded out today when my boss pointed out that I'm not a JW anymore in front of my co-workers and asked if I was celebrating my birthday now. They're planning a lunch in honor of it, sort of. I've not celebrated it since I was 4, and...I don't think I would know how. It makes me feel a little sad sometimes, to know that.

    Much as this September 15th issue galls me, it's from the people who brought you "The 19th, 20th, and 21st Centuries--This Rockin' Generation!"

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    Ted Jur-ass sure would have approved of this type of writing.

    He probably wrote it. These articles must be written months in advance.


  • jamiebowers

    I am thinking of designing a t-shirt that says "I was raised a Jehovah's Witness, so please forgive me for being retarded."

    SerenityNow, don't feel bad. Celebrating holidays and gift giving causes a certain amount of anxiety for everyone. Who to buy for and what to give are questions that have confounded people for centuries.

    I was weirded out today when my boss pointed out that I'm not a JW anymore in front of my co-workers and asked if I was celebrating my birthday now. They're planning a lunch in honor of it, sort of. I've not celebrated it since I was 4, and...I don't think I would know how. It makes me feel a little sad sometimes, to know that.

    Just relax and have fun! When is your birthday?

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    "the innappropriateness of post sneezing comments,"

    LOl @ UC.

    The witnesses have sticks shoved up their asses that are the circumference of the moon! They are complete fools! For crying out loud, I don't know how I stayed in so long.

    Cult Classic

  • sd-7

    My birthday is in twenty times, a time, and times. A time for a day, a time for a day--let the reader use discernment.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    And I agree that it is displaying good manners to acknowledge someone's "post sneezing comments". I remember when I was a dub and didn't acknowledge someone's sneeze I felt as if I was dissing them big time. Not a good feeling.

    Cult Classic

  • jamiebowers
    My birthday is in twenty times, a time, and times. A time for a day, a time for a day--let the reader use discernment.

    SD-7, my smart assed little friend, I didn't understand that crap when I was a dub!

  • mrsjones5

    I've taught my kids to say "bless you" in response to a sneeze. The look on my parents' face when they hear my kids say it is priceless.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I do not believe in superstitious rituals and I am strongly against incouraging them.

    Unfortunatly, my daughters granma is an x-catholic, and has taught her to always say bless you.

    It makes me crazy, I sneeze, they say bless you and wait for me to thank them, and I won't do it.

    I would probably play the silly game if I had never been under cult mind control. But because I have spent most of my life under mind control, I can not tolerate religious ritual, or ritual for the sake of ritual, or anything the doesn't have a good strong factual basis.

    Evil spirits do not enter a person when they sneeze, to pretend that they do, even just to be polite, is just crazy making.

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