Getting understanding about the New Generation Light from a JW Elder

by garyneal 96 Replies latest members private

  • WingCommander

    You know what I find interesting in all of this? How this guy really doesn't give a crap about trying to "recruit" you. Not one bit, and you can tell by his attitude.

    You know what he's REALLY interested in? It's so obvious I can't believe no one else mentioned it yet: He's worried about redecorating some other Kingdom Hall and earning brownie points with his Elders and RBC. (Regional Building Committee). I mean, for all of the emphasis put on the "preaching and teaching" and "Door-to-door" work, I find it absolutely amazing that YOU had to press this guy for info. How much money does everyone wanna bet that if you dropped this issue now, you'd never hear from him again? I bet $10.00!!!!

    This guy doesn't want to think, just cut and paste from the WT CDROM and get you out of his hair. You're "too deep" for him probably. Too deep in the shit, is my theory and he doesn't want to stir in it, as it brings back bad memories of being told about how 1914 was PROOF of the end.

    What you really need to do is scan in (PDF format) the May 15th, 1984 WatchTower articles for him to review. They were put forward as absolute PROOF of 1914 and This Generation.

    Lying bastards with the word trickery!!!!!

    - Wing Commander


    *sticky note* :0)

  • garyneal

    It appears so far "Scholar" has not responded to my last e-mail.

    I'll give him a few days to respond before I begin wondering what happened to him.

  • Lozhasleft

    I bet he's squirming lol. It surely should make him think though...laid out so obviously?

    Loz x

  • lepermessiah

    Hi Gary,

    that is awesome......

    One of the biggest things I look back on in disgust is how whenever someone really pressed me on what I believed, I had to go RUNNING to the WT library in order to explain it!!!

    I think you will have that guy running in circles chasing his tail soon!

  • jwfacts

    I love it. What can he say after your list of changes. Anything he says will make him look like a fool.

  • yknot

    tagging for future elder response!

  • crazyblondeb

    book marked

  • etna

    I can't wait for his response.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    marked too!



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