Officially announced at meeting: I am an ex-parrot......

by not a captive 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    I mailed my letter of disassociation three months ago. No response. I saw a friend(was once?) who is a JW asked if they had announced my disfellowshipping. She didn't know, hadn't heard. She had missed so many Thursday night meetings. I wrote my former Book Study Conductor to find out. Received a text message a couple of hours ago. Yes it was announced.

    Does anyone remember Monty Python's Flying Circus? For some reason all I could think of was the skit about the ex-parrot. I am a parrot no more.

    Hey, everybody! I'm an X-PARROT!


  • shamus100

    No you're not. You're just stunned!


  • moshe


    Looking back, I could have easily just stood up at a KH meeting a announced my intentions. I wish I had thought of that.

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Kisses for You, Shamus, you naughty rascal. Now I don't have that cloud of not quite belonging---Now I'm officially on the outs!

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Moshe, It took a lot to arrive at a letter to DA myself. But this board helped me get stronger. I am grateful for every poster in this community.

  • gubberningbody
  • shamus100


    Just remember - they are among the most socially inept people on the planet and they never were your friends. It's amazing how you can just walk away and nobody really cares, no? I was the congregation 'darling', and when I left I literally left leaving them gobsmacked. It was the best thing I ever did. And really, they didn't care in the long run. People come and go in that fucking cult like mad.

    Your life is just beginning now - you're free! :-) Just stay away from the heroin, eh? Oh, and the whores!

  • daringhart13

    Shamus....... I too was deluded ...being the congregation 'favorite'.....boy you sure learn fast that NO ONE could give a shit about you.

    I literally disappeared. I never received one call.....on visit. Nothing.

    Its a ridiculous joke that they say they are 'loving'......

  • shamus100


    It is amazing. And not at all uncommon. Years later I have seen several that were in my congregation and passed them by like we were strangers. I'm not DA'd, DF'd or anything. It's a "what can you give me right now, bitch" type attitude. The second you get old, stop going to meetings, or get spirtually 'weak' you're a walking corpse and you can rot with the worms for all they care.

    It's fairly obvious that god did not choose them.

    Anyone want a celebratory kiss?

  • thetrueone

    Congratulations .... everyone should own and operate their own minds, people who belong to the JWS obviously don't,

    a world wide publishing corporation does though.

    My opinion of JWS is they are very selfish cold hearted arrogant people.

    Toss in ignorant and irresponsible only to themselves,

    not to mention hypocritically self righteous and you pretty much shaped the personality and character of

    a typical JW.

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