disfellowshipping announcements

by asilentone 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • asilentone

    When they announced disfellowshipping of certain individuals in your congregation? Were you shocked? Tell me about it.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I remember the first time i heard the word, i was only about 10 years old, & someone who seemed like a nice enough person was announced as disfellowshipped. I remember asking my mum about it after the meaning & being shocked by her explanation, even at that age it seemed wrong to me.

  • JWoods

    When I was a witness back in the 1960s, early 1970s, a DFing announcement was extremely uncommon. So, it was met with a lot of anxiety.

    Apparantly, from what I read here - it is much more common now.

  • sacolton

    I always wondered WHY they were disfellowshipped. They never explain, but gossip runs rampant at the Kingdom Halls.

  • JWoods

    Just have your wife ask an elder's wife, Sacolton.

  • dissed

    J Woods

    My wife always knew before me, before I was appointed an Elder. lol

  • undercover
    Just have your wife ask an elder's wife

    Yep... I saw it happen first hand.

    I knew what happened at one JC meeting 'cause the DFd person told me that night after they were DFd. The next morning at the KH I overheard two elders wives talking about what happened the night before and they knew all the details that I knew.

    I knew then to never trust an elder or an elder's wife.

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    I would always tense up when they would call an elder up after the announcements were over, and if he had a somber look on his face, and then my chest would hurt if they started to say.."this is to inform the congregation"...

    Always would never listen to the rest of the meeting, & then there was always crying afterward & uncomfortableness as we went up to hug the family, heartbreaking...

    I was rarely shocked though at who it was, you could usually see some signs that they were "spritually weak"...

    Wonder what they will say bout me....

  • BluesBrother

    The worst one was in my youth.. I was in my teens and "up and coming " in the mid 60's before the elder arrangement and any "brother" could be given the announcements to deliver.

    A neighboring cong. had advised us that a young girl known to many of us was d/f..They gave ME that announcement to read (dozy little congo I was in then)..This girl had been a friend of mine, I was still rather fond of her. That was the hardest announcement to make . I stammered through it and felt gutted.

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    No one will tell me when/if I was announced as DF'd.

    I wrote an elder 2 weeks ago to ask him to tell me.

    What about that? Anyone know?


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