Proverbs, should you read this material to your children?

by cyberjesus 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • techdotcom

    To me it seems as bit of a contradiction. No matter what you do you must make a choice to do it. You have no other option than to lean upon your own understanding as that is where all decisions start, in your own mind. You can choose to follow blindly or even in a more moderate fashion anything that someone else says but you still made the judgement call to begin with that it was the wise thing to do.

    You and only you must shoulder the responsibility of deciding what is right and wrong, even if that decision is to adopt the rules and morals of others. You cannot escape that. Many religious people fail to understand that even in putting thier burdens on Jesus/God/Jehovah/Allah/whomever that they had to at first make the determanation to do so. Also, once the decision has been made to use the bible or some other seemingly wise source as the basis for ones life, you must then think and decide how to apply those principles to your own specific circumstances. Even when authoratative and controlling religions like the JWs create a multitude of rules and regulations to try to cover it all, they cannot. Even then some grey are invariably exists and must be dealt with by the induvidual.

    Bottom line is: If we do not place at least some trust in our own judgment then how can we be certain that what we "chose" to follow is the correct path in the first place.

    PS - I am sorry for the redundant nature of my points but it truly seems that people have a hard time seeing the full ramifications of that scripture and simply accept what they have been told with little thought, and in doing so, failed in thier responsibility to choose the right path for them.

  • cyberjesus

    Good Point Tech Dot Com!

    To trust in Jehovah requires the use of our own understanding.

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