Would any of you DESTROY ones faith and life as a JW if they were your dying grandparents?

by EndofMysteries 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Heaven

    It isn't my specific goal to destroy my Dad's JW beliefs but I do point out fallacies if he brings up topics for discussion. His mind is not working properly these days so he is unable to argue points. I think he knows there are issues but he is unable to deal with them. He has stated recently that he doesn't understand what they are saying at the meetings.

    My goals are:

    1) To help him as he moves through these final stages of life.

    2) To ensure that if anything happens to him that he receives proper care.

    3) To try to show him unconditional love.

    4) To give him some happiness and joy from outside his oppressive belief structure.

    5) To present an example of a 'worldly' person who is not evil.

    Once my Dad is no longer alive, I don't want to look back and say that I should have done things differently. I want to choose now the right and loving things to do and act upon them. This is also what I tried to do when my Mom was alive.

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    My only real worry is that they deed everything to the WTS....that will piss me off.

    They would gladly take every penny even if it left you destitute. They even take money from the disfellowshipped!!



  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    BlackSheep - I think I would understand the psychology,

    I wish I could say that, EndOf.

    I try to stay one step ahead of my parents, (the oldest WT generation still alive in my family), but I keep underestimating the mind control.

    I have seen my father get trashed by a Lutheran on the immortal soul doctrine. He walked away from that incident with his faith intact, mumbling about 'these people are spirit directed'. He should have understood then, that his faith was built on sand.

    Both of my parents deserve to realise that they have led hundreds of people to believe a load of crap.

    Why should they go to their death beds flogging Watchtowers to nurses with clear consciences?

    As long as they breath, they are a danger to innocent victims....and I see no reason why they shouldn't know that.



  • LongHairGal

    No, I would just let them be. I have no desire to go around bursting anybody's bubble especially if they are at that time of life. I am sure their wills are already made out. If they are leaving their money to the religion, this is tragic but there is nothing you can do about it.

    If they were young people just starting out in life it would be a different story. I would feel I have a duty to warn because I am well aware of the tragedy of people who are unprepared for the financial realities of life and hit middle age and can't pay their bills because they believed the religion's crap about not getting an education and not preparing for the future. I wouldn't want them to be consumed with bitterness about lost time and lost opportunities.

    I believe in 'live and let live' and when somebody is in old age they should be allowed to die in peace.

  • mrsjones5

    I see no point to it and see no reason to become exactly what my parents are: a person looking to push my beliefs or "truths" on to someone else. I believe it's a form of bullying. If my parents want to believe what they believe to their dying day so be it.

  • Gregor

    There is the irony that many of these poor old JWs we don't want to upset are regularly trying to destroy the lifelong beliefs of people of other religions.

  • leavingwt
    I KNOW if I showed all, it would destroy their faith.

    Are you aware of how difficult it is to extract someone from a destructive, high-control group?

    If you non-stop at trying to shake their faith, there is 99.9% chance that you will fail.

    There are people on this forum, right now, defending the JW 'Truth'. "Water water everywhere, and not a drop to drink."

  • Twitch

    What Undercover said.

    My parents are seniors now and have spent most of their life in the org. They're happy with it, have a good social network and it works for them. At this point in their life, it would be too much for them to change their whole world, even if they wanted to or could. Let a sleeping dog lie.

    Sure, they're part of an org that's aimed at changing other people's beliefs. I tend to give average joe householder some credit in that if the dubs were so right and good at converting people, JoJo Inc would have a greater following. Everybody's trying to sell you something and the dubs are small fry in the bigger picture anyways.

    The parental units and I had a big blowout last week re my status as a humanist/rationalist/realist/atheist, lol. It's been awhile and it was a good one but much the same as has happened since I was 15. I was over last night and all is well. I try to spend whatever time is left as best as possible because the day will come when they are gone and they will be missed, jojo or not.

  • PSacramento

    There is a reason that only God and Jesus can judge, they know what is in our hearts, perhaps better than we do.

    God knows why some choose one path over another and while not every path leads to God, God does know of every path and travels them.


    There is the irony that many of these poor old JWs we don't want to upset

    are regularly trying to destroy the lifelong beliefs of people of other religions.....Gregor

    I can`t argue with that..But..Being it is such a shit thing to do..

    Would you want to do the same thing?..


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