Would Witnesses REALLY drink the "Kool-aid" if the faithful slave told them to? Yes or no?

by Witness 007 116 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    A "spiritual leader" tells his followers the must put on Rebok running shoes and "drink the Cool-aid" to join a UFO in the tail of a comet and "go to a better world" so, afew dozen young people do just that to get "beamed up" to the mothership. HEAVENS GATE CULT 1990's.

    My Mother says "she is faithful to the Organisation till her death" which makes me wonder if they ordered a mass suicide like the Reverend Jim Jones did to escape a "great Tribulation"....how many Witnesses would really drink the Cool-aid?... without a gun pointed at their head of course!

    Before answering consider the Blood Transfusion/Nuetrality situation.....many have been faithful until death....only to have doctrines change which would have spared much torture, misery and death to Witness familes.

  • baltar447

    That would be a big hell no! (from a fairly active member). It goes against what the bible teaches from my own perspective and me and mine would get the hell out of there.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I've thought about this. I'm sure there would be a considerable number of wackos who would. But because the witnesses pride themselves on being sooo different than the most cultish of cults, I think this command would be too out there for them to fall for. Witnesses like "appearing" normal so this wouldn't go over well.

  • cofty

    No, I really doubt if any would.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    "Baltaar447" says "hell no" .....so as an active member would you let your kid die instead of getting a blood transfusion? Thats the same damn thing....you seem to have missed the point of my post.

  • lepermessiah

    I think a suprisingly large number would, but certainly not the majority.

    That would be too far out there for most of them.

    On the other hand, thousands of JW's were willing to sell all of their possessions and walk away from businesses and jobs in the pre-1975 era.

    The Society's word is GOD for so many of those people - so who knows?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I would think if couched in the right language and presented at a critical moment, 30 to 40 percent would do it without even thinking, and around 90% of those 30 to 40% would be willing to kill those who refused. Of course, all it would take would be some noo lite on requiring ALL to partake at the Memorial, some logistical arrangements, and one all-in-psycho per congregation to supply the poisoned wine.

  • JWoods

    One thing to remember about the Jim Jones cult was that he held regular "ceremonies" in which they pretended they were drinking poison kool aide - so when the real thing came about they were kind of numbed down to it.

    Witnesses could probably be numbed into something like this too - given that they seemed to swallow this "generation overlap" idiocy along with 1975 hook line and sinker.

    Like said above - most would react with horror if told to do something like this out of the blue; but with correct conditioning from the FDS, probably most anything would be willingly obeyed in time.


    Poisoned Kool-Aid would be accepted by many JW`s..

    In Watchtower World..

    JW`s are Trained to lay down their life,for the WBT$..

    Many JW`s have already died for the WBT$..Everyone of them are Celebrated and Admired..

    By the WBT$ and Jehovah`s Witness Cult ..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • leavingwt

    Having read Hassan's books, I predict that more than 50% would do so. Of the less than 50% remaining, a majority would STILL think it's the true religion, but feel they didn't personally have "enough faith" to be loyal to mother. It's so sad.

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