How Many Here Take Prescription Meds?

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • palmtree67


    But I take Vitamins C, D, and E, glucosamine, calcium, eyebright, B-complex, a multi-vitamin and salmon oil capsules.

    In the words of James Brown: " I feel goooood....!!!! "

  • minimus

    It's funny, I took a men's multi-vitamin last year and felt HORRIBLE! It just didn't agree with me.

  • miseryloveselders

    Min, you have to eat something with those sometimes. I went to the movies one night, and right before stepping out the door, I remembered I forgot to take my Centrum. While driving to the movies, my stomach felt like someone was sticking a knife through it. One thing I find somewhat humurous is how your urine turns fluorescent green after taking a multivitamin. I think the body gets rid of excess vitamin B. Your urine looks like ectoplasm after taking one.

  • worldtraveller

    I have a small amount of prescription cortizone cream for my ocassionally itchy ears.

    I take 1000 mg of saw palmetto a day (non prescription) for urinary tract health (any male over 50 should look into it). Ocasionally a postssium pill for my feet as I do up to 20,000 steps a day. Charlie horse I believe. Hurts like hell if you position your feet to cause it. Not a big banana lover. But I should be.

  • yknot

    I am not a pill popping kinda gal.......but

    I do have a prescription for anxiety meds but only take them when I feel an attack coming on and all other calming routines fail.

    (Screw vitamins, eat your veggies, fruits, dairy and protein)

  • VoidEater

    Only OTC these days.

    I was on SSRIs for a good five years, but completed that part of treatment more than five years ago. They did their job.

  • mindmelda

    I take Wellbutrin for chronic anxiety/depression (other antidepressants I've taken actually make this worse), meloxicam for osteoarthritis (if I had known I was going to live this long, I'd have fallen off a few less horses and motorcycles in my youth!) and I use Symbicort, an inhaled steroid medicine for asthma, which I've always had.

    I also take Zyrtec for allergies (which is over the counter now), with which I am plagued and have been since birth! I also receive a prednisone injection every 3 months for allergies.

  • BackRoomBilly

    I take.... paxil, cogentin, depacote, saroquel, jack daniels, and a little purple kush to keep me from killin a mother ******

  • shamus100

    Been off the anti-psych meds for about HEY, STOP IT MONKEY!!! STOP IT MONKEY!!! for about one year now. I feel much better and MONKEY, STOP IT ! STOP IT MONKEY, I DON'T WANT TO KILL ANYONE never intend on going on them again.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I take none.

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