what were your meetings for field service experiences?

by Coffee House Girl 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    My mom (still in the borg) was telling me about going out with the C.O and his wife this week in field service & I started re-living the horror show that would go on during saturday meetings for field service-

    Ah... the dreaded splitting up into car groups..

    I always felt like we were in gym class being grouped together for a game of dodgeball-

    The CO and elders were the team captains and we would line up for the count

    They would make up their car groups with people they liked and would give em an "easy" morning (such as pioneers with many RVs, other friends they could knew would be ok if they made a breakfast stop, ice cream break, rest stop at a gas station, visit this infirmed sister, yada yada)

    That left in the lineup- the mentally daranged scizo's, the people that smelled like dirty hair and BO, kids needing a babysitter for the morning, and the uber-zealous "lets do territory all morning", and me (who didnt fit in with the cliques, although I will admit the borg left me a little in the mental group)

    My heart was pounding, I was sweating, I was trying everything I could- avoiding eye contact when they were putting together the car groups from hell.....oh shit!!! they saw me, damn...

    ahh...I LOVE sleeping in on saturday mornings... and when I saw a few car groups driving around last week for the CO visit, I breathed a sigh of sweet relief..

    what are your experiences??

  • snowbird

    Trying to get that rebellious daughter of mine to talk at the doors.

    It was a nightmare!

    Thankfully, we can laugh about it now.


  • EmptyInside

    Similiar experience here. It is kind of nerve- wracking not knowing who you will be working with for the morning. It has a lot to do with who you're sitting by too. And if they have room in a decent car group, raise your hand quick. One Saturday, I was put in a car group with all older brothers and I was the only sister. Now, I did this before and I didn't mind. But, some mornings you can only handle so much. I guess my facial expression showed I wasn't too happy so they moved me out of that group. And afterwards, a couple sisters were acting like I made big deal over it. When really I said nothing, I just can't hide how I feel in my face too much.

  • crapola

    It brings up to many bad memories so I will pass on this one!

  • LittleSister

    Ministry used to make me sick with nerves so by the end of the meeting I would be shaking and having to conceal the oncoming painic.

    This is odd because I never had a problem with nerves at any other time (barring meeting assignments) used to handle big meetings in London for my old employer without even breaking a sweat.

  • straightshooter

    The most difficult times I had at the meetings for field service were when only the conductor and I would show up and the conductor was not going out. He had an important call that I could not go on, yet he expected me to go into the territory by myself.

  • Lozhasleft

    So many memories of some stupid ineffectual brother trying to make a daystext about something random fit the ministry....and the CO visits...field service arrangements ... ooh a nightmare ..... its ringing the memory bells...

    Loz x

  • man in black
    man in black

    Going to arraingments, and the conductor would not be going out.

    Now I had to handle arraingments

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Coffee House Girl

    You described it very well. My husband was an elder and hated the other elders not showing compassion for the mentally ill. I must admit that I to did feel sorry for them. They all knew that most of the elders were ditching them. But honestly those who heard voices and such were a bit much for me. I remember sending hours with them. Try going to the door with someone who smells and having the householder looking at you like what in th heck are you doing here. And they worry about bringing reproach on Jehovah's name. How is it not bringing reproach on Jehovah's name sending a man who reeks of BO and hears voices in his head to someone's door. I tired to reason with my husband over that one but he keeps saying if Jehovah can use rocks to bring the good new he can use the mentally ill.

    I just could never followed his line of reasoning. Field service totally stressed out these mentally ill people, than couple that with the way the other elders treated them they were total basket cases by the time we got into the car to start service. I just know the people who we bugged on Saturday mornings looked at us like a bunch of nut cases and would either slam the door on us or take the magazines in pity. Either way it was a bad witnesses as far as I could see.

    Life is to short for waisting life this way.

  • mentallyfree31

    I quit going out during the CO visits about 4 years ago. He suggested working business territory the last time I went out with him. That was the last time I ever showed up for service during a CO visit. I never cared for the business territory. And I was a MS, except for the last year of this time.

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