Interesting Awake article to use on Newer JW's

by cantleave 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Not only do they cut it off in 1970 to avoid this embarrassment, but I would bet money that they altered many of the articles in the reprints. Especially those toward 1975, when they did tell people that they should sell out in advance--until 1976 came along and shut them up.

    Of note, an additional 42 years has passed, and we are still nowhere near the end.

  • jeovagood

    I can remember clear as rain all of it back 1970-75..... the Watchtower was still buying up Brooklyn property big time and it was discussed at the service meetings how the faithful slave must be found working full speed when the master comes so he would say well done good and faithful slave.This point I am making because many were perplexed how the WT could be buying up so much if the end was that close because EVERYBODY believed in 1975.

    2) Bible studies were cut to 6 months limit if you weren't baptized in 6 months you were dropped as the 1975 cut-off meant no time for procrastinators.This was begrudged by pioneers who needed their old faithful studies to get their time in.

    3)Everything was focused on stay alive till 75 even a decision to postpone new roof shingles on the K-Hall

    There was a huge influx who seemed to be mostly ex-hippies and a huge amount of them that left during the fallout later.The Watchtower society and the elders became very liberal after 1975 and in my K-hall you could get away with all kinds of teenage hell raising and not get Dfed.Later in 1980 I hear the first use of the apostate word use to be called evil slave as the society had it's cull of drop outs and now was re- indoctrinating the followers.

    As I reflect back on the years I can see it all as a master deception that spanned many years.

  • cantleave

    I too can remember a great deal of that sort of thing going on. I was only 8 / 9 in 1975 but I knew what the common view was in the org, especially as my mother kept saying 1975 was THE year.

  • poopsiecakes

    marking because you can't make this shit up....

    Thanks for the scan cantleave!

  • jeovagood

    How long did it take Adam to name the animals? Remember this? Allowed for a default failsafe in case it didn't break on October 75 that's right they had it right down to the month When Prophecy Fails — The 1975 Fiasco Viewed from Inside Bethel ... The May 1, 1975 Watchtower reported on Fred Franz's lecture: ... Also, he had Adam name the animals, which would take some time, ...—-the-1975-fiasco-viewed -from-inside-bethel/ -

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