How did 1975 effect your family? here's mine...

by Aussie Oz 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • restrangled

    1975 was the focus of our family life. My parents bought a new home in 1973 and had terrible guilt about it, but figured "they would be watching the big A out their cozy basement windows.

    My mom was born and raised a witness she is now 76.

    My dad finally let go in 1976, after being an elder for years, but went through it by himself with no Internet help and a very angry JW for wife for life.

    Even after he left, he hand enclosed a porch, including: Custom windows , laying a herringbone hardwood floor, having air conditioning put in, special lighting and gorgeous furniture.....all for my mom and her "feather in cap" of having the Tuesday night book study in her home.

    He in-turn would disappear on Tuesday nights. It makes me sick because this was 25 years after 1975.... he was still trying to make a jw happy.

    We kids balked for ages before 1975. It was a religion of rules, regulation, stupidity and spying....a total farce in our young eyes. r.

  • jaguarbass

    I graduated in 71.

    In 1969 my family took an inheritence I got from my great grandfather and bought me a

    new Amc Javelin, because I wasnt going to need the money for college.

    I'm sure my grandfather rolled over in his grave when they did that.

    When I graduated in 71. I was looking into going to court reporting school but the

    brothers came out to the house and told my parents I would never get through

    school before the end would come and it would be a waste of time and money.

    So my father who was not a witness said "I'm not going to have a bumb around the

    house with no direction" and he threw me out on the street for my 19th birthday.

    So now I had the wonderful job/career of packing bags at the grocery store.

    Between my parents being wack jobs and my mothers religion being the wack job of

    all wack jobs I've had a very difficult miserable life.

    The pivitol turning point of all my misery goes back to my mother anwering the door

    to some salespeople who sold junky, trashy pulp religious fiction at a nickle a rag.

    Neither my brother, sister or myself got an education. We have all had mediocre jobs scraping to

    get by.

    My son who I sprung from the tower when he was 10. Has a bachelors degree in business and a nursing degree.

    And a world of choices and places and opportunities to work. My son was born in 74.

    After 76 I knew something was very wrong, but there was no internet it took me until 1983

    to escape the tentacles of the wactower society.

  • dgp


  • RebeccaChi

    I was born in December of 75. While my mom was pregnant, all the other freaks in her congergation told her that I would be born into the paradise. Yeah right! It was more like being born into hell!

    Someone should elaborate on these "practice drills" for 1975. I'm sure they are not much different than the ones I was taught while growning up. How creepy!

  • happyexjw

    Hello I am a newbee on here

    My parents came into the reglion way before I was born, even my sister and brother who were young in 1968 remember my mum telling them that the big A was coming soon, I also remember my mum telling me when I was growing up how they were told 1975 was the year that A would come. She was scared because she was pregnant with me at the time but also was happy that I would get to live in a paradise earth, free from all the worldly imperfections.

    However when we remind her of this, she denies this stating that she never said this. How can 3 individual accounts, at different stages in time say the same thing and she does not remember. It makes me how blinded she is to her own words. When I or my brother and sister bring questions to her about the teachings of the wts she recites the well rehearsed instilled scriptures that we all remember about "This good news will be preached in all the inhabited earth" then says "What other religion is doing that?", unable to answer our questions.

    I pray everyday that they will one day see the light and be free from the wts slavery/cult.

    big hugs to all x

  • undercover

    welcome happy,

    However when we remind her of this, she denies this stating that she never said this.

    I have similar experiences with my folks. I remember all the buzz about 1975 and being prepared and faithful, though there were some skeptics in our congregation, including elders. Some were very careful to not say anything definite, though the talks at the conventions were much more pointed. My parents were fully expecting the end and then my mom got pregnant in 73 or so. She was upset because she was bringing a baby to the world so soon to the end. Others in the congregation had snide things to say about it. It was a difficult time.

    But of course 75 came and went. She continued on in her delusional service to the printing corporation. Now if/when the subject is broached she claims that the Society never said anything about 75, that it was only people who read too much into things that got all worked up about it. She doesn't remember any of the weeping and gnashing of teeth and worrying about having a suckling child as we were to flee Jerusalem...

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