Watchtower Signage

by jgnat 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    With the signs, the message is order, control, conformity.

    You're absolutely right jgnat. This is really obvious at the assemblies and conventions. When the dubs walk near those Please keep moving/be quiet signs they instantly stiffen and quiet down like robots. At one of the assembly halls here they actually have an engraved sign in the bathroom about not painting your fingernails.

  • jgnat

    On the other hand, when a new publication is released, it's a free-for-all.

    Admonitions not to leave the assembly before the prayer - to line up for the book - blissfully ignored by the veterans. Stern reminders to take only for your immediate needs, also blissfully ignored. I watch eager pups holding three or four in their hand as they head for the exit..."it's for my ailing Aunt, couldn't make it to the convention this year..."

  • Confuzzled

    Seems like they are not above

    "Wipe throughly Front To Back and Wash hand Throughly"

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