Hubby is concerned with me being on this site.

by crazy2try 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • poopsiecakes

    I understand how he feels - I was terrified of these sites for years after leaving the JW's - even though I was df'd and had been treated very poorly by the elders. It's really tough for some to get that paranoia out of their heads. This site scared me the most!! It was only after spending time on and getting comfortable there that I dipped my toe over here, lurked for a while and then joined.

    Give him time, crazy..

  • crazy2try

    Thank you everyone....I really appreciate the wonderful advice and the good humor. I think I will poke him in the eye. LOL. I will come back and type more, My wonderful Daughter wants me to check out her messy room. She also just brought me a dead lady bug that she found in her room that is 14 years old....she counted the spots....she said it died from old age. Gotta love her.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Great advice all around and I would second the following two recommendations:

    Get your husband to look at both and

  • mindmelda

    My husband is a bit behind me in "the fade" although he is coming along. He has a bit more fear of the Witnesses disapproval than I do, but only in some ways.

    He just basically doesn't want to be hassled by them, mostly because he's afraid he'll choke someone if they start in.

    He was a bit concerned that I was coming on so strong about my not believing WTS doctrine anymore, but I just kept dropping tiny little crumbs of nformation on him.

    He was also concerned at first about me talking to "apostates" at first, but he knows now that everyone here is just like us, pretty much, more or less. Some more out there and outspoken, but mostly they just want to be out of it.

    He said to me recently, "If the Witnesses can't take criticism of their beliefs, then it's BS. If something is true, it'll stand up to even harsh criticism."

    He's right. If God is really protecting them, he'll protect them from us, if we're so terribly evil.

  • crazy2try

    Thanks, I will show him those sites when it is the right time.

    He is so funny. I know it is the fear of all of the drama and he wants to avoid it. I am just ahead of him and am so ready to move on with my life.

    The last few days, since I posted, he makes comments like "You must be addicted to that site." He wanted to attend the talk on Sunday, but we stayed up late and didn't get up. I didn't set my alarm and neither did he. some brothers stopped by on Saturday when he was working outside and encouraged him to come. He came inside and told me.... I was on this site at the time. I thought that was funny. So did he acutally. I think it is going to take time.

  • upnorth

    You need to get far enough away that you can see the darkness that envelopes the followers of the WBATS.

  • GLTirebiter

    If he's amenable to it, invite him to read an article here with you, and then collaborate with you on a reply. Let him see there's nothing to fear, if he's willing to take a look. But don't push if he's unwilling, wait until he's ready.

  • Heaven

    Crazy, tell him that we invite him to join JWN. He's more than welcome!

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