Can You Suspend Your Disbelief?

by Robdar 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    That's like the cloud-bursting trick that George Clooney's character does in The Men Who Stare At Goats.

  • Robdar
    That's like the cloud-bursting trick that George Clooney's character does in The Men Who Stare At Goats.

    Yep. What a great movie!

  • purplesofa

    Hey Rob,

    Not a cloud in the sky today, but will give it a try when we get some!


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I do the same thing with traffic lights. I stare at them and will them to change. Works every time.

  • Robdar

    Hey, Purps! Let me know how it goes.

    JD, You have magical power!!! Hey, could you conjure me up a sandwich?

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    What happens if you tell it to go back together again?

  • Robdar

    I don't know. Give it a try and come back and tell us.

  • Weeping

    "The wiccans should love this thread. Where are the JWD wiccans"

    Do you know what witchcraft is? Witchcraft is seeking help or guidance from any spiritual source other than God. We see much of this in society today—horoscopes, astrology, tarot cards, witchcraft, sorcery, magic, séances, psychics, palm reading, spiritism, fortune telling, necromancy (communicating with the dead), yoga, New Age meditation, Chinese Zodiacs, burning candles, chants, spells, potions, charms, the Rosary, icon bracelets, et cetera.

    If it's not God's Holy Spirit, then you are dealing with the Devil. Any spirit that is not the Holy Spirit is a familiar spirit. Anytime you here someone talking about spiritual matters without mentioning Jesus Christ or the Bible, run, as fast as you can. A Modernist is someone who falsely claims to be a Christian, an imposter. Many false prophets today masquerade as Christians, but they are children of the Devil. You can tell them by their fruit. They never mention Jesus Christ as the Savior. They don't recognize the Scriptures as their Final Authority.

    All spiritual power comes from either God or Satan. We see this truth in the Bible, when Pharaoh's magicians imitated the Lord's miracles wrought by the hand of Moses and Aaron (Exodus 7:11). Satan is a master counterfeiter and disguise artist (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15). Satan is all about deception and lies (John 8:44). There is no such thing as “white witchcraft.” All forms of witchcraft are Satan's works of darkness. It is tragic that children are being introduced into witchcraft, sorcery, magic, spells and all sorts of demonic practices which the Bible condemns.

  • Robdar

    Weeping, I had a premonition I would hear from you on this thread.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    What a nutcake! All y'alls!

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