Let's Talk Baseball ! Who's your Favorite Team ? Love My S.F. Giants !

by flipper 240 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Hey Dodger Fan !! Tell me how our LINCECUM tastes !! Are you choking yet ?? LOL ! 9-0 baby, 9-0 . How do you spell SHUTOUT ? Today is the rubber match- we shall see if Giants take 2 out of 3

  • BackRoomBilly

    MR FLIPPER, before I glote I must testify to the TRUTH. That kid is AWESOME.

  • flipper

    BACK ROOM bILLY- Hey, thanks for the nice picture and sparing me your hairy a$$ ! LOL ! I give your Dodgers credit too. Well, more precisely I give Manny Ramirez credit for bailing you guys out in the 8th inning with his home run ! Did he sneak back into the clubhouse and roid up or something ? Jeez. No- He just timed a fat pitch by our Romo who was not being careful enough pitching to a future Hall of Famer is what really happened. It will be fun to see these 2 teams go at it again in late June up in Frisco at A T & T park ! Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    O.K. here we are 23 games left till the end of the season. My Giants are 1 game out of first place ! Hey Padre fan- any of you San Diego fans getting nervous with us breathing down your neck ? Anybody willing to wager the Giants win 3 out of four or sweep the Padres this weekend at San Diego ? I'm predicting 3 out of four or a sweep. I'll take either ! All comments welcome ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • fieldgoal

    Hey Flip,

    I am behind your Giants now since you got my favorite player. I was a big fan of Freddie the year before he won the batting title.

    He was a 3rd baseman then.

    You mentioned Bowker. Isn't he now with my old team, the pathetic Pirates?

    When the Pirates traded Jack and Freddy, I became a Reds fan last winter. Good choice, I'd say.


  • flipper

    FIELDGOAL- Yeah, Freddy Sanchez has been a HUGE pickup for us ! One of the best defensive 2nd basemen in the game ! AND - He is hitting for a high average the last month or so- clutch hits also !

    Saturday September 11th ! We are TIED for 1st place with the SanDiego Padres ! With 20 games left to go ! Go Gigantes ! Yeah ! Baby ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    I,m not really a baseball fan but I have some memories. I remember as a kid it was the brooklyn dodgers and I also remember that meet the mets song because it played all the time.

    My stepfather took me to a yankees game they were playing the washington senators and everyone seemed concerned about Jimmy Piersall and what he might do. I remember the bobby Richardson fan club was there. It was the time of Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris.

    I also remember the excitement on tv the day Whitey Ford a pitcher hit a grand slammer everyone was yelling.

    these are my childhood baseball memories.

  • Magwitch

    Hey Flipper...On the 26th I am heading to Coors Field to watch my Rockies beat the Giants - it should be a great game!!!!

  • CuriousButterfly
    Red Sox GOOO SOXXXX afta tha game we can jump in the caa and go the baa and have a beya. Not a band wagon fan A TRUE BOSTON FANN!!!!! Go PATS TO!!!!!

    Ditto! What else is there to chose from....but theREDSOX!!!! When they won the world series in 2004 I literally had goose bumps and cried for them that they FINALLY won.

  • Nowman

    I have always been a CUBs fan.

    7th inning - Harry Carey aaaahhhh the memories.

    Take me out to the ball game....


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