New site exposing "jehovahsjudgment"

by middleman 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • iknowall558

    I have just seen this middleman. Great stuff. Have it bookmarked.

  • 70-Years-Of-Servatude


    You are not alone in your experience, though it was on a different subject. The WTS is well aware of the fact that many of their letters are ending up on the internet for public examination so they have put the wraps on them. Still some good people don't comply from time to time and we get to sneak a peak into the minds of those blessed leaders.

  • 70-Years-Of-Servatude

    Appologies Middleman

    I meant to say I look forward to more of your posts and I appreciate your efforts.

    Thanks again


  • pirata

    Cool, but can you change the background? It's impossible to read the text on the bottom portion of the screen.

  • Ultimate Reality
    Ultimate Reality


    This is now the standard policy. The Society will not provide any written information directly to a "rank and file" publisher. I think this is because people have uploaded information to the internet, but the more important reason is to avoid legal ties. There is to be no direct relationship (and potential liability) between the Mother Organization and the publishers.

  • middleman


    I appreciate your honest input but please can you elaborate a little? What text at the bottom are you referring to? Take care now...

  • AnnOMaly

    Way to go! It's about time there was a site (great name LOL) taking them on directly. I guess the reason why there hasn't been one before is because it's a matter of finding time to deconstruct and put right all their misinformation.

    I agree about the background - too busy/distracting - obscures the text.

  • A.Fenderson

    I'd recommend not having a stationary background with alternate light and dark areas--text disappears and reappears as you scroll, bad times.

  • VoidEater

    Avoid "Click Here". Always. Instead make your headings the links.

    Screen readers reading off the links just come up with a long list of "Link: click here, Link: click here, Link: click here..."

  • middleman

    VE, I heeded your advice and A. Fenderson, I tried a different backgroud. If this is still too hard to read please let me know!


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