Ghost in my house?

by cognac 24 Replies latest jw friends


    Ghosts are Tricky..

    You have to catch them by Surprise..

    This is a Professional Canadian Ghost Hunter..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    If the toy looks like could have a problem.

    Think About It

  • dissed

    Put the toy down! Step away from the demonized toy from Hades! Then scream JG's name 12 times! DO NOT! I repeat DO NOT even take time to pray for JG's protection! Call the Elders immediatly!

    Or call 1-800-DEMON BUSTERS

  • HintOfLime

    Battery operated devices can also mis-behave if the batteries are low on power - especially if the toy or device has a 'soft' on/off switch (press once for on, press again or press & hold for off). A microcontroller inside may waiting for an input (such as a button, switch, etc) to go 'low' - and if the batteries are low on power sometimes 'high' can be mis-interpretted as 'low'.

    - Lime

  • dissed

    A catchy tune to make you feel better Cognac........

    Who you gonna call??

  • BurnTheShips

    My daughters toy started playing music by itself. There was nothing around it that could have caused it to do that. And it just happened 4 times in a row and then I called out to my husband and it just stopped.

    That really freaked me out. Anyone else have stuff like that happen?

    With my kid's toys, all the time. It isn't a ghost.


  • cognac

    Last night the weirdest thing happened when I put my daughter to bed.

    I heard this heavy breathing like somebody when exhausted from running. It sounded like it was right in the hallway and I thought it was my hubby and something was very, very wrong. I ran out there and he wasn't there. I called to him and he was downstairs in the other side of the house. I asked him if that was him breathing like that and he said he didn't know what I was talking about.

    My minds playing tricks on me! Maybe I'm just going really nuts!

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The breathing thing sounds like something I get during allergy season if I don't take my medicine. As the sinuses become more constricted I can sometimes hear the blood flowing in my own head, and the rhythm of the heart can make it sound like heavy breathing.

    It can't be ghosts because ghosts don't exist.

  • cognac

    Or, I could just be going crazy, lol. I'm sure my mind was playing tricks on me cause I had gotten nervous earlier.

  • ziddina

    I'm commenting on this thread so I can keep track of that cool "Ghostbusters" theme song!!!

    As for whether or not "ghosts" actually exist - well, for the LOOOONGEST time - including when I was a JW - I DIDN'T believe in ghosts... Sneered at the idea, made fun of people who did believe in them, sought - as an armchair 'ghostbuster' - "logical" explanations for whatever supposedly happened...

    Then I saw something in an allegedly 'haunted' office building - brand new thing, too - built in the 1980's - that DEFIED the laws of gravity... And physics...

    I'm not so sceptical now... Zid

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