Dawkins Says Pope Ratzi Should NOT Resign

by cofty 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • slimboyfat

    In making this suggestion something tells me Dawkins does not have the best interests of the Catholic Church at heart.

  • cofty
    In making this suggestion something tells me Dawkins does not have the best interests of the Catholic Church at heart.

    I would think that is a safe bet

  • wobble

    The sad thing is the whole "Lets slay the Pope" thing is drawing attention away from the real problem, which is that the Institution of the RC Church is rotten, it matters not if Pope Rat goes, the Church will continue, will still feel it is above the Law and above common decency.

    The whole impetus to cover up and hide abuse and abusers comes from the desire to maintain the myth that they are God's true Church.

    The same charge can and should, loudly, be levelled against the WBTS/JW's.


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