Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-21-10 WT Study (REAL CHRISTIANS)

by blondie 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-21-10 WT Study (January 15, 2010, pages 12-16)(REAL FOLLOWER CHRIST)

    Review comments will be in red or headed by COMMENTS
    WT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will headed by QUOTES
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

    Bible translations
    WT publications
    WT child abuse
    Blood issue
    United Nations

    Also posted on

    PROVE TO BE A REAL FOLLOWER OF CHRIST "Every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit”---Matt. 7:17.


    The WTS comes out with their gloves on that anyone who is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses is not a "true Christian" and part of the world. Notice how many versions of that concept are in this article.

    Real follower of Christ (2)
    Christ's true followers (5)
    "those falsely professing to serve him"
    his true followers
    "those who are fed falsehoods"
    False Christians have a distorted view of God and often a hypocritical form of godly devotion
    false Christians (3)
    true Christians (3)
    "professing of Christianity"
    "those who do not love and serve Jehovah"
    People who merely profess to be followers of Christ
    false Christians do not have God's spirit.
    Jehovah's servants
    true Christians proudly use God's name
    God's servants

    BRACKETS: by what basis does the WTS justify adding this to the NWT?

    Paragraph 4:
    certainly see [the distinction] between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him (Malachi 3:18)

    Does the WTS always use these brackets, no, leading the readers to think it is an original part of the scripture.

    *** w02 5/1 p. 24 par. 19 Who Will Survive the Day of Jehovah? ***
    Malachi 3:18 foretold: “You people will again certainly see the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him.”

    Paragraph 5:
    declaration to [God’s] name.”—Heb 13:15

    The WTS even alters their own rendering of a scripture; and why perhaps, so the reader does not infer "Jesus" for "his"?

    (Hebrews 13:15) Through him let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name.

    Paragraph 12:
    Thus, in a very special sense, Christ's true followers became a ‘people who are called by [God's] name.”

    Even totally changing it but making it appear to be a scripture by using ' '.................

    (Acts 15:14) . . .Symeon has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name.

    Did Jesus use God's name in his words in the Gospel?

    In the NWT it will refer you to the appendix. "They have restored the divine name not only when coming upon quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures (following emphasis mine) BUT ALSO IN OTHER PLACES WHERE THE TEXTS CALLED FOR SUCH RESTORATION." The texts = the WTS. So it may not be as you were told as a jw that the name is only used where it is directly quoted from the OT.

    *** Rbi8 p. 1564 1D The Divine Name in the Christian Greek Scriptures ***
    Throughout the centuries many translations of parts or of all the Christian Greek Scriptures have been made into Hebrew. Such translations, designated in this work by “J” with a superior number, have restored the divine name to the inspired Christian Greek Scriptures in various places. They have restored the divine name not only when coming upon quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures but also in other places where the texts called for such restoration.


    Q 1, 2. How are Christ's true followers set apart from the false, especially during this time of the end?

    JESUS said that those falsely professing to serve him would be distinguished from his true followers by their fruits--their teachings and their conduct. (Matt. 7: 15-17, 20) Indeed, people are inevitably influenced by what they take into their mind and heart. (Matt. 15:18, 19) Those who are fed falsehoods produce "worthless fruit," whereas those who are taught spiritual truth produce "fine fruit."

    What are the fruits and conduct of the WTS/FDS/GB?
    What falsehoods have jws been fed?

    2. The two kinds of fruits have become clearly manifest during this time of the end. (Read Daniel 12:3,10.) False Christians have a distorted view of God and often a hypocritical form of godly devotion, whereas those having spiritual insight worship God "with spirit and truth." (John 4:24; 2 Tim. 3:1-5) They strive to display Christ-like qualities. But what about us personally? As you consider the following five identifying marks of true Christianity, ask yourself: 'Do my conduct and teachings clearly harmonize with God's Word? Do I beautify the truth in the eyes of those searching for it?'

    I wonder how many jws know that the WTS taught that the "time of the end" began in 1799 and ended in 1914? It's not in their most recent history book. Why was that left out?

    1921 "'The time of the end' embraces a period from 1799 A.D., as above indicated, to the time of the complete overthrow of Satan's empire and the establishment of the kingdom of the Messiah. The time of the Lord's second presence dates from 1874, as above stated. The latter period is within the first named, of course, and in the latter part of the period known as "the time of the end." (The Harp of God, 1921 p. 236)

    False Christians are all non-jws who have "distorted" and are "hypocritical." Has the WTS distorted (see above) and was hypocritcal when it came to being associated with UN as a non-governmental organization, having to agree to support the UN Charter which says they will use military might?

    Has the WTS distorted the "love of God" at 1 John 4:8 by saying that only jws will survive Armageddon, having 7 billion men, women and children sentenced to eternal destruction?

    Did Jesus give FIVE identifying marks or only one? Without this one, will any others matter?

    (John 13:34-35) 34 I am giving YOU a new commandment, that YOU love one another; just as I have loved YOU, that YOU also love one another. 35 By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves.”

    (Romans 13:8) . . .Do not YOU people be owing anybody a single thing, except to love one another; for he that loves his fellowman has fulfilled [the] law. . .

    (1 John 4:20-21) 20 If anyone makes the statement: “I love God,” and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen. 21 And this commandment we have from him, that the one who loves God should be loving his brother also.


    Q 3. What pleases Jehovah, and what does this involve for true Christians?

    3. "Not everyone saying to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the kingdom of the heavens," said Jesus, "but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will." (Matt. 7:21) Yes, it is not the professing of Christianity that pleases Jehovah but the practicing of it. For Christ's true followers, that involves their whole way of life, including their attitude toward money, secular work, entertainment, worldly customs and celebrations and marriage and other relationships with fellow humans. False Christians, however, adopt the thinking and ways of the world, which have become increasingly ungodly during these last days.--Ps. 92:7.

    So why did Jesus not say "Jehovah" in Matthew 7:21 instead of "Father"?
    If you ask a jw what religion they are, will they say jw or Christian?
    What attitude toward money do the majority of jws practice? How many have full-time jobs (out of 100 jws in a congregation it would be amazing if there were 10 jws that were regular pioneers working part-time)?
    Is it guaranteed that jws are hard workers? I have worked with 20 jws over the last 15 years, only one qualified for that description and I was constantly trying to apologize for the 19 lazy ones (lying ones too).
    Marriage--are jws less apt to be the congregations I attended it was 50% divorced.
    What kind of relationship can jws have with non-jws when they see them as walking corpses?

    Q 4, 5. How can we apply Jehovah's words found at Malachi 3:18 in our life?

    4. Accordingly. the prophet Malachi wrote: And YOU people will again certainly see [the distinction] between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him (Malachi 3:18) As you reflect on those words ask yourself: 'Do I blend in with the world or do I stand out as different? Do I always strive to fit in with my secular associates , whether at school or at work, or do I remain firm for Bible principles, even speaking up when appropriate?' (Read 1 Peter 3:16.) Of course, we do not want to appear self-righteous, but we should stand out as different from those who do not love and serve Jehovah.

    Notice the bracket in Malachi 3:18. (see in opening comments)
    So can people look into your office and see that you are a jw just by your looks? I work in a very professional office, I blend right that wrong?
    Do I assume that I don't work with people who don't swear (they don't), have happy marriages, don't steal, and even will take the reins to combat bad behavior?

    Do jws appear self-righteous? Too many times as they assume they are the only ones who strive to live by Christian values.

    And who are those "who do not love and serve Jehovah"--all non-jws.

    5. If you see room for improvement, why not pray about the matter and seek spiritual strength through regular Bible study, prayer, and meeting attendance? The more God's Word becomes a part of you, the more you will produce "fine fruit," including ‘the fruit of lips which make public declaration to [God’s] name.”—Heb 13:15

    Another case of brackets.
    So who looks for room for improvement in us--the elders and others in the congregation who deem themselves righteous and with the authority to to judge you.

    How do jws find time to study the bible when they are studying the WT publications? How many jws looked up the scriptures in this article--very few--and even fewer looked at the context.

    And by the way how many meetings and what were they that the early Christians attended? Did they have a public talk weekly (actually the WTS did not for years until around 1943); did they have a WT study (that's right the WT was not studied until some time in the 1920's); did they have a theocratic school and service meeting (the school did not start till the 1940's). So what meetings did early Christians/bible students/jws go to?


    Q 6, 7. In regard to the Kingdom message, what contrast can be seen between true and false Christians?

    6. Jesus said: "To other cities I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth." (Luke 4:43) Why did Jesus make God's Kingdom the main theme of his ministry? He knew that he himself as King of that Kingdom, along with his resurrected spirit-begotten brothers, would deal with the root causes of mankind's woes--sin and the Devil. (Rom. 5:12; Rev. 20:10) Hence, he commanded his followers to proclaim that Kingdom until the end of the present system of things. (Matt. 24:14) People who merely profess to be followers of Christ do not engage in this work--in fact, they cannot. Why? For at least three reasons: First, they cannot preach what they do not understand. Second, most of them lack the humility and courage needed to face the ridicule and opposition that may result from sharing the Kingdom message with their neighbors. (Matt. 24:9; 1 Pet. 2:23) And third, false Christians do not have God's spirit.--John 14:16, 17.

    Is God's kingdom the main theme in the suggested presentations in every KM (that's 48 a year)? Only in December when the WTS is trying to catch a ride on the Christmas theme.

    What kingdom does the WTS proclaim? Is God's (Jehovah's) kingdom the same as the Messianic (Jesus'/Christ's) kingdom?

    First the WTS says that "people who merely profess to be followers of Christ" do not declare the kingdom. We have had Mormons, Baptists, Lutherans, nondenominational Christians, call at our door and talk about God's kingdom but according to the WTS, MOST "of them lack the humility and courage needed to face the ridicule and opposition." I asked these people if they were turned away often or were people rude and they said a few, which is what I would have said about my door to door career. So if jws are not ridiculed or opposed every time they go door to door, are they doing it wrong.

    Finally, the WTS says it, false Christians (all non-jws) do not have God's spirit................!!!!! And how does the WTS identify that the WTS does, because of a self-reported ordination as a group in 1919 when they were still celebrating pagan celebrations such as birthdays and Christmas, using a pagan symbol on the cover of the WT, using pyramidology to decipher bible prophecies????

    7. Christ's true followers, on the other hand, understand what God's Kingdom is and what it will accomplish. Moreover, they give the interests of that Kingdom priority in life, proclaiming it worldwide, with the help of Jehovah's spirit. (Zech. 4:6) Are you having a regular share in this work? Are you trying to improve as a Kingdom proclaimer, perhaps by spending more time in the ministry or by being more effective in it? Some have tried to improve the quality of their ministry by making better use of the Bible. "The word of God is alive and exerts power," wrote the apostle Paul, who made it his custom to reason from the Scriptures.--Heb. 4: 12; Acts 17:2, 3.

    So only jws "understand what God's Kingdom is"???? God's or the Messianic kingdom?
    If jws were giving the interests of that kingdom priority, would not 90 of the 100 be regular pioneers not only 10? Wouldn't they be moving from areas where there is little growth and to areas where more people are coming in?
    How many jws are using presentations they used when there were baptized 20 or more years ago? How many jws know any basic scriptures without using the crutch of the "Reasoning from the Scriptures" book bound in the back of their New World Translation?

    When jws go to the door do the a) make God's name known by immediately identifying themselves as Jehovah's
    Witnesses or b) have a bible in their bag, know where it is in the bag, and pull it out first rather than a WT publication?

    Q 8, 9. (a) What experiences highlight the value of using the Bible in our ministry? (b) How can we become more adept at using God's Word?

    8. When in the door-to-door work, a brother read Daniel 2:44 to a Catholic man and explained how God's Kingdom will bring about true peace and security. The man responded: "I really appreciate your opening the Bible and showing me what the scripture said instead of just telling me." When a brother read a scripture to a Greek Orthodox woman, she asked a number of good questions. In this case too, the brother, along with his wife, answered from the Bible. Later, the woman said: "Do you know why I was willing to talk with you? You came to my door with the Bible, and you read from it."

    So when did you have someone at the door commend you for using the Bible? Why aren't most jws using the bible at the door automatically and need the WTS to tell them?

    *** km 5/01 p. 1 par. 2 “The Word of God . . . Exerts Power” ***
    It appears that many publishers have got out of the habit of using the Bible at the door. Is that true of you? Because many people do not seem to have time for a lengthy conversation, perhaps you have slipped into the routine of only offering literature or just paraphrasing a scripture.

    Remember this "suggested" technique? Why did jws stop?

    *** km 12/01 p. 1 par. 3 Handle God’s Word Aright ***
    You might try going to the door without a book bag. You could put the featured literature that you wish to offer in a slim portfolio and carry the Bible in your hand or pocket. Then, when you engage someone in conversation, you can bring out the Bible without causing the person to feel that you are trying to preach a sermon.

    9. Of course, our literature is important and should be offered in the field. The Bible, however, is our primary tool. So if it has not been your custom to use it regularly in your ministry, why not make it your goal to do so? Perhaps you could select a few key texts that explain what God’s kingdom is and how it will solve specific problems that concern people in your neighbourhood. Then be prepared to read them as you preach from door to door.

    The "literature is important" but the not the primary tool, the bible is. Is it?

    *** w95 8/1 p. 16 par. 10 Taught by Jehovah Down Till This Day ***
    This magazine, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom, is the principal instrument employed by the “slave” in the teaching work.


    Q 10, 11. Regarding the use of God's name, what contrast is there between Jesus and many who claim to follow him?

    10. 'You are my Witnesses,' is the utterance of Jehovah, 'and I am God.'" (Isa. 43:12) Jehovah's pre-eminent Witness, Jesus Christ, considered it an honor to bear God's name and to make it known. (Read Exodus 3: 15; John 17:6; Hebrews 2:12.) In fact, because Jesus proclaimed his Father's name, he was called "the Faithful Witness."--Rev. 1:5; Matt. 6:9.

    Isaiah 43:12 was first applied to the Israelites and then applied to only spiritual Israelites. How was it then applied to the "other sheep"? So then only the anointed in the WTS are truly jws. Not once in the NT does it say "Jehovah's Witnesses." Even the oft quoted Revelation 1:5 says "Faithful Witness" not jw.

    But in the NT it says Christians would be witnesses of Jesus:

    (Acts 1:7-8) . . .; 8 but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth. . .

    (Revelation 17:6) . . .And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus.. . .

    *** w81 2/1 pp. 21-22 par. 6 The Time for a Watchman like Ezekiel ***
    Ezekiel’s people were the ones to whom Jehovah had earlier said by his prophet Isaiah: “‘You are my witnesses,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘even my servant whom I have chosen.’” (Isa. 43:10-12) So Ezekiel pictured the organized body of Jehovah’s spirit-anointed witnesses at the present time, the spiritual Israelites.

    *** w81 3/15 p. 18 Women—May They Be “Ministers”? ***
    For example, Isaiah 43:10-12 applied first to the natural Israelites whom Jehovah God delivered from Egypt and made his witnesses. Today, this scripture applies to the spiritual Israelites whom Jehovah has delivered from Satan’s organization, making them Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    11. In contrast, many who claim to represent God and his Son have displayed a shameful attitude toward the divine name, even removing it from their versions of the Bible. Reflecting a similar spirit, a recent directive to Catholic bishops said that "the name of God in the form of the tetragrammaton YHWH is neither to be used nor pronounced" during worship.* How reprehensible such thinking is!

    * Some modern Catholic publications in English, including The Jerusalem Bible, render the tetragrammaton "Yahweh."

    "many who claim to represent God and his Son" = not jws
    The WTS singles out the Catholic church but what about others? Notice that the WTS makes it a footnote comment that The Jerusalem Bible uses "Yahweh" around 7,000 times.
    Why no reference to the directive?

    Do other religions use the name "Jehovah"?

    Jehovah Missionary Baptist Church
    805 South Harvin Street, Sumter, SC 29150 29150

    Jehovah Baptist Church
    704 Dennis Ridge Road, Bonneau, SC 29431 zip code

    Jehovah Baptist Church
    1540 Frye Road, Columbia, SC 29203 zip code

    Jehovah Baptist Church
    6277 Jehovah Road, Springer, OK 73458 zip code

    Jehovah Baptist Church
    201 W Chatam Street, Oglethorpe, GA 31068 zip code

    Jehovah Yireh Baptist Church
    408 S Flower Avenue, Brea, CA 92821 zip code

    Jehovah Missionary Baptist Church
    Sumter, SC 29150 zip code

    Jehovah Missionary Baptist Church
    13881 Joseph Campau Street, Hamtramck, MI 48212 zip code

    Greater Jehovah Baptist CHURCH
    2 Roger Arnold Road, Grantville, GA 30220 zip code

    Jehovah Unity Baptist Church
    14321 W McNichols Road, Detroit, MI 48235 zip code

    Jehovah Jireh Praise & Worship
    505 S 15th Street, Newark, NJ 07103 zip code

    Greater Jehovah Baptist Church of Grantville
    Roger Arnold Road, Grantville, GA 30220 zip code

    Q 12. How did Jehovah's servants become even more closely identified with Jehovah in the year 1931?

    12. In imitation of both Christ and the great "cloud of witnesses" who preceded him, true Christians proudly use God's name. (Heb. 12:1) In fact, in the year 1931, God's servants became even more closely identified with Jehovah by accepting the name Jehovah's Witnesses. (Read Isaiah 43:10-12.) Thus, in a very special sense, Christ's true followers became a ‘people who are called by [God's] name.”

    Were the "other sheep" qualified to be called jws? Were only anointed qualified? Who are the "companions"--the other sheep?

    Bracket time again.

    *** w50 3/1 p. 70 par. 12 A Call to Praise ***
    Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions testify to the people concerning the Kingdom and its blessings.

    Q 13. How can we live up to our God-given name?

    13. How can we personally live up to our unique name? For one thing, we must faithfully bear witness to God. "Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved, wrote Paul.” However, how will they call on him in whom they have not put faith? How in turn, will they put faith in him of whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent forth?" (Rom. 10:13-15) Also, we should tactfully expose religious falsehoods that malign our Creator such as the doctrine of hellfire, which in reality attributes to the God of love the cruel traits of the Devil.--Jer. 7:31; 1 John 4:8; compare Mark 9:17-27.

    Are nonanointed members jws? Bear witness to God or Jesus per the NT? Calling on the name means becoming a jw. Do jws tactfully expose....does the WTS? Doesn't the WTS teaching that all non-jw children will die eternally at Armaggedon compare to the doctrine of hellfire? To die for their parents' sins?

    Do all Christian religions teach hellfire (not jws)?

    Q 14. When learning of God's personal name, how have some responded?

    14. Are you proud to bear the name of your heavenly Father? Do you help others to come to know that holy name? A woman in Paris, France, heard that Jehovah's Witnesses knew the name of God, so she asked the next Witness she met to show her that name in her Bible. When she read Psalm 83:18, the impact was profound. She began to study the Bible and is now a faithful sister serving in another land. When a Catholic lady living in Australia saw God's name in the Bible for the first time, she wept for joy. For many years now, she has been a regular pioneer. More recently, when Witnesses in Jamaica showed a woman there God's name in her own Bible, she too shed tears of joy. So be proud to bear God's name and, in imitation of Jesus, to make that precious name manifest to all.

    Bear whose name? Heard about the Catholic lady in Australia before? Is knowing God's name enough? Don't the fallen angels know his name, seen his face, was that enough?

    (Acts 9:15) . . .But the Lord said to him: “Be on your way, because this man is a chosen vessel to me to bear my name to the nations as well as to kings and the sons of Israel.

    *** w04 3/1 p. 7 True Christianity Is Flourishing ***
    They honor God’s name. (Matthew 6:9) When Jehovah’s Witnesses first met Maria, a sincere Catholic living in Australia, she allowed the Witnesses to show her God’s name in the Bible. How did she respond? “When I first saw God’s name in the Bible, I wept. I was so moved by the knowledge that I could actually know and use the personal name of God.”


    Q 15,16. How do true Christians view the world, and what questions should we ask ourselves?

    15. "Do not be loving either the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." (1 John 2: 15) The world and its fleshly spirit stand in opposition to Jehovah and his holy spirit. Hence, Christ's true followers do not merely refrain from being a part of the world. They reject it at heart, knowing that as the disciple James wrote, "friendship with the world is enmity with God."--Jas. 4:4.

    world = all non-jws = can jws love them? Why then go door to door?
    not just refrain but REJECT--why then go door to door?

    16. It can be a challenge to heed James' words in a world that offers countless temptations. (2 Tim. 4:10) Jesus therefore prayed in behalf of his followers: "I request you, not to take them out of the world, but to watch over them because of the wicked one. They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world." (John 17:15, 16) Ask yourself: 'Do I strive to be no part of the world? Do others know my stand on unscriptural celebrations and customs as well as on those that may not have a pagan origin but clearly reflect the spirit of the world?'--2 Cor. 6:17; 1 Pet. 4:3, 4.

    What are the countless temptations? Don't worry, the WTS, the CO, the elders, the "mature" jws will make sure you know what is wrong.

    At one time luaus and pinatas were considered of pagan origin.

    *** g71 6/22 p. 24 The Piñata and Its Use ***
    But even though the use of the piñata is quite popular in some places, there are those who have serious misgivings about the false religious practices connected with it.

    Q17. What may move honest hearted ones to take sides with Jehovah?

    17. To be sure, our Bible-based stand will not win us the world's favor, but it may arouse the curiosity of honest hearted ones. Indeed, when such individuals observe that our faith is firmly rooted in the Scriptures and involves our whole way of life, they may respond by, in effect, saying to the anointed: "We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people." --Zech. 8:23.

    Taking a bible-based stand on things in the WTS will not always win you favor if this is really based on the personal view of a strong-minded elder or elder body. Zech. 8:23 means there is no salvation apart from the anointed jws per the WTS.

    non-jw: Why don't you celebrate birthdays?
    jw: it's against my religion..........not exactly bible-based

    *** w02 8/15 p. 18 par. 10 “Follow Me Continually” ***
    For example, if someone wants to know why you do not take part in some unscriptural custom or practice, do not be satisfied with saying, “It’s against my religion.” Such an answer may suggest that you let others make your decisions for you and that you must therefore be a member of a cult.


    Q 18. What is involved in showing love for Jehovah and our neighbour?

    18. Jesus said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind" and "you must love your neighbour as yourself." (Matt. 22:37, 39) That love (agape in Greek) is a moral love that takes into account duty, principle, and propriety, but it often includes strong emotion. It can be warm and intense. (1 Pet. 1:22) It is the very opposite of selfishness, for it is reflected in selfless words and deeds.--Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

    AGAPE is viewed as a cold, reasoning love by most jws (if they even know the word).

    "it can be warm and intense" only if you are specially drawn to that person and they live up to your judgment of what a true Christian is.

    Yes, jws will have to force themselves to love you.

    *** w88 10/1 p. 12 par. 9 Appreciation for Our Brothers ***
    When expressed among Christians, agape love is not merely an intellectual, reasoned love, such as we should have for our enemies. (Matthew 5:44) It is an intense love and requires effort. It involves stretching our hearts, widening them out so that they can enfold people we would not normally be attracted to.

    Q 19, 20. Relate some experiences that show the power of Christian love.

    19. Because love is a product of God's holy spirit, it enables true Christians to do what others cannot do, such as overcome racial, cultural, and political barriers. (Read John 13: 34,35; Gal. 5:22) Sheep like ones cannot help but be moved when they see such love. For example, when a young Jewish man in Israel attended his first Christian meeting, he was amazed to see Jewish and Arab brothers worshipping Jehovah side by side. As a result, he began to attend meetings regularly and accepted a Bible study. Do you show such heartfelt love to your brothers? And do you make it a point to extend a warm welcome to newcomers at your Kingdom Hall, regardless of their nationality, skin color, or social standing?

    So non-jws can't overcome racial, cultural, and political barriers? I went to congregations where the white jws would not work in the predominantly black neighborhoods. I knew white jws that had never seen the inside of a black brother's home although their financial status was the same. I knew of camping parties that consisted only of black jws, mixed black/white jws, and their spouses. Never a white jw....maybe it was just that area but I saw out East, the Midwest, and out West. In one congregation, people never would have been greeted if it weren't for this one older black brother. Now that he is gone, no one does it. I went to several congregations in my travels, and was greeted only in one and they ran away when they found out I was already a baptized jw. But then if the newcomers are warmly greeted, what about the oldtimers...they're ignored. And to say that jws don't have their own brand of congregation politics, is to be blind to the facts.

    20. As true Christians, we strive to show love toward all. In El Salvador, a young publisher was studying the Bible with an 87-year-old Catholic woman who clung to her church. One day, the woman became gravely ill and was hospitalized. When she returned home, the Witnesses called and made sure that she had food. This went on for about a month. Nobody from the woman's church visited. The result? She discarded her images, resigned from her church, and resumed her Bible study. Yes, Christian love has power! It can reach hearts in ways that the spoken word may not.

    Here is an example of the reality of who is not getting help at jw congregations.

    Notice how the WTS never can find cases of kindness in other religions.

    *** w79 7/15 p. 32 Kindness Has Power ***
    In El Salvador, two special pioneers (full-time Kingdom proclaimers) were assigned to witness in a town high in the hills. One of their neighbors there was a staunch Roman Catholic who daily attended Mass. On one occasion, this lady got very sick and the pioneer girls heard her groans. Immediately, they went to her aid, and, while helping her, they gave a short witness. The woman had not been interested in Bible truth, but her attitude was different from that day onward.
    This woman compared the kindness of the pioneers with the actions of another neighbor—a lady with whom she went to Mass each day. Although this Catholic neighbor knew about the woman’s illness, she had not bothered to visit her and offer help.

    21. Soon, Jesus will say to all who falsely claim to serve him: "I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness." (Matt. 7:23) Let us, therefore, produce fruitage that honours both the Father and the Son. "Everyone that hears these sayings of mine and does them," said Jesus, "will be likened to a discreet man, who built his house upon the rock-mass." (Matt. 7:24) Yes, if we prove to be real followers of Christ, we will receive God's favour, and our future will be secure, as if founded on rock.

    Has the WTS proved to be a worker of lawlessness? See

    only jws are REAL followers of Christ (although going by the name Jehovah's Witnesses)

    Do You Remember?

    How are Christ's true followers distinguished from the false?
    Name some "fruits" that identify true Christians.
    In producing Christian fruitage, what goals can you set?


    Next week, Satan's Way of Ruling Sure to Fail. Is the WTS way of ruling scriptural?

    Love, Blondie

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    The first paragraph sums it up: False Christians are known by their bad fruits, as Jesus rightly said.

    Bad fruitage produced by Jehovah's Witnesses (notice how many of them involve children):

    • Thousands of deaths each year by refusing to take blood transfusions, including children and babies.
    • Thousands irreparably harmed from obscence child abuse policy that practically protects paedophiles. Policy says 'two witnesses' must exist for elders to take action against a paedophile where the accused denies guilt and the parent is threatened with judicial action if tells other parents.
    • Thousands disfellowshipped and cruelly shunned by family and friends each year for weaknesses and sins of the flesh. Depression and isolation ensue, sometimes leading to suicide.
    • Children deprived of participation in birthdays, Christmas, weekend sporting and extra-curricular activities and instead dragged from house to house peddling magazines with parents in the weekend. Causes psychological stress to child and harms relationship with relatives and school mates.

    Indeed, by their fruits you will recognise them.

  • agonus

    I'll ask one VERY simple question...

    Do TRUE Christians group other Christians into "true Christians" and "false Christians" based on their denomination?

    What do you think? In the interest of fairness, use the Scriptures and the Scriptures only to support your viewpoint.

  • agonus

    I've always felt that if I referred to myself as a "True Christian" (implying that all other Christians are false)... well, I wasn't a true Christian.

  • ziddina

    marking this for a future read 'cause I have a cold right now and my head is 'fuzzy'... Zid

    Oh, and thanks, Blondie!

  • Gorbatchov

    Thanks for this comments. It keeps me thinking.

  • nugget

    Great comments.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Another great one, as usual, Blondie. Thanks so much for doing this every week.

    Bad fruitage produced by Jehovah's Witnesses ...

    They avoid this right off the bat in the very first sentence of the article. How? Much like they do with other words like "generation" they incorrectly define "fruitage" for the reader by claiming that "fruits" are "teaching and conduct" not the results of one's teaching and conduct. This way, it doesn't matter whether their actions and teachings produce harmful results (deaths, divisions, emotional scars, etc.), what matters is that those actions and teachings conform to their twisted interpretatoin of Christianity. Results are ignored completely (unless they can draw some sort of PR angle with them).

    This is NOT what Jesus taught. The rest of the chapter (Matthew 7) makes it clear that fruits are results, not teachings and conduct. He even denounces those who's teachings and conduct were Christian and done in his name. Why? Because of their fruits. And in case somebody in his audience was still too thick to 'get it' he gave the illustration of the man building on the rock mass compared to the one building on the sand. It wasn't the choice of rock-mass over sand or the type of building that was the fruit, it was the fact that his house didn't fall down when the storm came.

    Therefore, in light of the above, the entire article is bunk because it is based on the false premise put forth in the very first sentence.

  • WTWizard

    First, I don't think the fruitages displayed by the witlesses are exactly righteous. Protecting pedophiles and silencing the victims does not fit my definition of righteous. Tampering with the Bible, and then requiring people to abide by your version without researching other viewpoints, is not righteous. Threatening children with death and destruction to get them baptized at age 6 is not righteous. Repeatedly giving bad predictions, forcing people to sell out each time, and then telling people that it was their fault, is not righteous. Killing and eating babies, and then downplaying the perpetrators' standing in the congregation after it gets in the newspapers, is not righteous.

    And, since when is serving God always righteous? If God is wicked, those serving Him are also wicked (or misled). As I see it, both Satan and Jesus made attempts to free us from the drudgery of God's Tyranny--and both failed. This would make the true Christian one that decides for himself what is good and what is bad (as Jesus tried to get people to do), just like Satan. That being the case, it is those serving God that are perpetrating wickedness--and those doing Satan's will are the ones that are actually trying to do good for themselves and society.

  • BluesBrother

    Blondie's comments about workmates made me think the same as her. I found that in the main the people I worked with were normal family minded people who did a fair day's work , nothing like the preconception I had after being brought up within the Borg...

    Paras 5 derides "false Christians" for lacking the humility and courage needed to carry out the J W ministry..Loaded language , Of course nobody else preaches the unique and strange message of the dubs. The WT sets up this "standard" then criticizes the others for not doing it.

    The issue of Gods name is another that they have chosen to make into an issue .Para 11 slams the Catholics for not using it but its own footnote tells us that their Jerusalem Bible uses it as Yahweh ! ( I believe thousands of times)

    The end of the article harks back to being "different" ..I note the picture of a group of schoolkids having drawn "Christmas pictures" but the one boy,the only one in colour, has done a different picture . He is in the light the others in darkness !

    We end on a trumpet blowing bit about Christian love, which must always be elsewhere because every Witness I know says that their cong. must be the only one not practicing it .

    To the faithful it is just another study to be forgotten by teatime. To the unbiased reader it is a clear example of loaded cult like language..

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