Advice on how to proceed ?

by man in black 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • flipper

    Great advice so far. Something I might add; Are there any non-JW relatives AT ALL in this young man's family he can draw closer to , like an uncle, aunt or cousins ? It would be good for your son to befriend this young guy because he's going to need ALL the unconditional support he can receive. I bet you are proud of your 21 year old son for noticing this young man's plight ! You should be proud

  • man in black
    man in black

    Hello, this is the son. This is some very sound advice! I will bestow my newfound information onto this man.
    I didn't think to tell him he could count speaking to me as pioneering! el oh el

  • jamiebowers

    Some practical advice is to check out AmeriCorps programs in his area. That way if his parents disown him, he can earn money to live on, credits to help pay tuition and/or student loans, and health insurance. Earnings from AmeriCorp are usually exempt from welfare and food stamp progrms, so he may be able to get some financial help from human services.

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