Were You "Afraid" Of The Elders?

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    I always thought the elders knew more than me. Then i found out they didn't. I was "afraid" they would find out how little I knew and I would look silly. Most were decent men. Some I had arguements with. One had to stop taking the watchtower study as a result and another had to get his things together and leave the meeting early. The first one was an ass and is no longer an elder the second one was a decent man i pushed too hard for answers.

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    They were afraid of me. They would not call on me for answer after they gave one.

    I was a researcher on all discussions and they knew it.

    So, they did not want to be shown up in front of the congreation.

    Many times I would wait to hear what they would say and then raise my hand and they would say we have to move on, afraid I would enlighten the brothers because they were wishy washy. And it would show that they did not do their homework.


  • rocketman

    I feared them to some degree and bent over backwards to please them - until I became one. Then I saw their foibles first-hand. I also knew that I was nothing to fear. Hence, that fear disappeared.

  • Magwitch

    I was terrified of the elders, my husband, my parents, the demons, Jehovah. When I walked out the door 4 years ago I felt like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone when he opened the door and screamed "I AM NOT AFRAID ANYMORE"

  • fokyc

    For the first 38 years I was in awe of them, I believed they were something special and would always be truthful.

    I was never afraid of them, although I now know the power they have over people.

    Then I found some were really untruthful and regular liars, I am certain they do not believe in Jehovah.

    NOW they are scared of me and even if I go to meetings, they NEVER come near me.

  • LucyA

    Did you view them as men who truly cared about you?

    I was a JW kid for 16 years and I can count on one hand the amount of times I spoke to and elder about anything eldrettes however we had a few of them in the cong and they seemed to care.

    Did your heart sink in fear when an elder came to talk to you?

    No buy the time I was 8 I could parot any drivile they wanted to hear and but the time I was sixteen I realised how pointless and in at least one case stupid they were.

  • spawn

    Did you view them as men who truly cared about you?


    Did your heart sink in fear when an elder came to talk to you?

    They didn't often come and talk to me as they were afraid, they knew that I'd tell them what I thought.

    Were the elders nothing special to you?

    They were sad power hungry little men who were insignificant in the real world!



    They were all "Too Fat",to catch me..


  • minimus

    OUTLAW, I know a guy who looks like him. Really, I do!!

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Well at first I was in awe, then as I got to know who they were and that they were flawed like everybody else, and when I went to live with the PO and his wife for awhile...I saw that many of them were torn from their families with all the crap they had to do for the Borganization. I sat through a couple of JC meetings some for me some not...and it wasnt fear I felt, it was resentment that these men could decide peoples LIVES in an hour and most couldnt keep their own HOMES and their own KIDS in order.

    Never feared them...but when I came in I was already 29 years old and one of them told me I was "very imposing" and nobody wanted to mess with me. I kinda liked that...for a sister to be imposing must have been really scary for them LOL!

    I wouldnt have ever wanted to be an elder. Yuck.

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