I Attended the Memorial Last Year Disfellowshipped and Partook

by Clint Bussey 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Nice video.

  • awildflower

    Wow Blondie, I had never seen that!

  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass

    Very nice video! (Although I was kind of hoping the video showed you inside the hall partaking of the emblems just for my entertainment.)

  • jehovahsheep

    are you partaking because you are a christian or are you trying to upset people?

  • palmtree67

    jehovahsheep: Did you watch the video? It explained clearly his reasons for partaking.

  • passwordprotected

    If you're a Christian it's probably worth remembering;

    Ephesians 6:12 (New International Version)

    12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The date for the celebration to the name of Jehovah God
    and to the sacrifice of Christ Jesus in 1937 will be Friday,
    March 26, after six p.m. The book entitled Jehovah contains
    a detailed explanation of the Memorial. Carefully and prayerfully
    study chapters two and three thereof. Then on the 26th
    day of March, after six p.m., let each company of the anointed
    assemble and celebrate the Memorial
    . In doing so, use unleavened
    bread and real red wine. Unfermented grape juice or
    raisin juice will not meet the Scriptural requirements. The Lord
    and the apostles used real red wine, and we should follow their

    WT Jan 15, 1937

  • Clint Bussey
    Clint Bussey

    I don't know why the link didn't post. Here it is.


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