"You were a much nicer person when you were in the truth!"

by highdose 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • superpunk

    "You were a much nicer person when you agreed with me on just about everything."

  • chickpea

    maybe according to a dr0ne's world view there
    is a degree of accuracy to that statement...
    but meaning is personal and you get to be
    who you need to be to make YOUR life make

    my own example is that i have gotten
    deeply involved in the equality issues
    related to the LGBTQ population....
    (talk about becoming a pariah!)

    saturday morning, whilst not out in FS
    a very good friend said: i cannot tell you
    how much happier you seem now that
    you are no longer a witness.... your life
    seems so much more directed

    and as we drank coffee and ate scones, i agreed

  • RosePetal

    Hi highdose hubby and I have found we are much more tolerant and forgiving and more chilled out.

  • Scully

    Your so into standing up for yourself like you think its a good thing

    Actually, standing up for yourself IS a VERY good thing. What the WTS and JWs want is for people to not stand up for themselves or the people they care about, so they can take advantage of you and abuse your trust and good nature.

    Your response to that line of reasoning could be along the lines of "I wouldn't NEED to stand up for myself if You People [JWs/WTS] weren't so emotionally, mentally, and spiritually abusive, now would I?"

  • zoiks

    "I wouldn't NEED to stand up for myself if You People [JWs/WTS] weren't so emotionally, mentally, and spiritually abusive, now would I?"

  • carla

    jw's like women as doormats, no?

  • Terry
    You're so into standing up for yourself

    "Are you saying you prefer me when I'm down? On my back perhaps? I think that says more about you than it does me."

  • mrsjones5

    "You were a much nicer person when you were in the truth!"

    Translate: "You were controlable."

    I am a nice person but I'm not that nice, meaning some folks take niceness for weakness. Abuse my niceness and you get to see the mean side of Josie...I've been told it's quite scary.

  • Heartofaboy

    My brother was a pain in the backside when he took everything the Borg' said to heart.

    He was unbearable company as he was so unhappy trying to do all the WBTS wanted & it made him very short tempered & unreasonable.

    He hated doing parts in the meetings & would never be free to do anything as he ALWAYS had a part or talk to prepare.

    He was bitterly disappointed with how much the WBTS has got wrong & felt he'd wasted his life

    He has now finally come off being a MS & has refused to do any more talks or go out in the FS as often.

    This change took place just over a year ago & it still amazes me how much of a nicer person he is now.

    Sometimes in his company I still expect some nasty put down but now it never comes.

    He has far more patience now he has stood up for himself & said enough is enough & refused to tolerate the intense pressure of never doing enough for the Watchtower.

  • LongHairGal

    "You were a much nicer person when you were in the 'truth'".

    Translation into English: "You were more controllable and allowed yourself to be victimized and used and abused by everybody you came into contact with. You supressed your god-given right to self-esteem and even endangered yourself by ignoring your instincts of danger and trusting everybody, even people you don't know".

    If this doesn't sound like a recipe for self-destruction and a sure trip to the psychiatrist, I don't know what does.

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