Should our posts keep visiting Jehovah's Witnesses from being upset?

by hamsterbait 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Do the witlesses sugar coat their messages and insults to apostates? They call us "agents of Satan" right from the platform. I have also heard worldly people referred, right from the platform, as "urine" and "poison" in an attempt to make people afraid of mixing with them. They make it clear that a little water doesn't clean poison, but a little poison dirties water. This is intentionally offensive.

    Also, I have heard insults on other religions. They are called whores and harlots, depicted as such, right in the Revelation book. I have heard "There sure are going to be a lot of dead Catholics at Armageddon", as well as Catholics being called "cat licks". Even work is not safe: They call it Egypt, in disrespectful reference to Pharaoh's treatment of Israel.

    Besides, the only way to avoid offending the witlesses is to abandon this and all other forums, forever. And to go to the Kingdumb Hell, go to all the boasting sessions, and waste all your time in field circus. And, give all your money to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. And do everything the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger tells you.

  • feenx

    I agree with Flipper as well. I personally have a hard time believing that any active and dilligent JW is going to spend any significant amount of time on this site. If they do, they certainly won't/aren't posting anything, and to me that would be a sign of doubt in their mind and either A.) they are passively exploring that doubt (we've all done that in one way or another, continue with behavior that while not an offense worthy of DF-ing still is "wrong") or B.) They are looking for firepower to further prove "the truth" for themselves. If they can come on here and see that all these evil "apostates" truly are as bad as the the organization makes them out to be, and they can prove the validity of JW teachings by finding "apostate" arguments they can disprove for themselves. Either way, they're not saying much, if anything at all.

    Those looking to leave and/or fade surely get lots of much needed support, as do those of us who are or have gone through recovery periods and really need some perspective.

    And I think it's natural for any JW, no matter what level of seperation they may be at from the organization, to be some what put out of their comfort zone with this site. I know I surely was, and I stumbled onto this site YEARS after I'd been DF-d. But that word, "apostate" really does have such a crazy scary connotation for a JW, I think ESPECIALLY anyone around my age (28). When I was a kid in the organization an "apostate" was a rare thing to be heard, and when you did hear about it, they were always very dramatic some CO just went coo coo one day, and on the platform spewed apostate teachings, resigned, and walked off the stage leaving his wife as he walked away with his mistress. Seriously, this was the apostate story I remember hearing when I was a kid. The older you got, the more it was hammered that being an "apostate" was on par with being possessed by satan himself. Yet it was always something I never fully was never explained to me exactly what made someone an apostate, just that it was the worst thing possible. So you develop and feed a fear that is literally based on nothing.

    What is an "apostate"? It used to be anyone who was discussing and/or questioning any thoughts or ideas that were not exactly what was laid down by the FDS. And supposedly even though it had "always" been this way, now an "apostate" is anyone who regardless of whether they voice anything or not, simply THINKS or WONDERS to themselves about things not directly handed down by the FDS.

    I think there in lies the fear, because anyone can look up the definition of a cult in a dictionary, and control of thought is very high on the list of identifying factors. Ok...but a trained JW will "know" they're not part of a it can't really be thought control....but they can't have questions in their minds that could seep into their hearts about god's one true religion...and these "apostates" trick people into questioning the organization.

    So not only are these "apostates" pure evil, but they try and trick into thinking something different than you're supposed to in this non cult organization that just looks a like a cult, to an outsider of course. But outsiders don't really understand the gravity of things.

    And truly, because I know I didn't, JW's never really think about the fact that using the societies definition of an "apostate" LITERALLY makes everyone else in the entier world an apostate. If you're at school, work, on a bus, a're SURROUNDED by "apostates." Just because they're not or never were part of the organization doesn't make a difference. I think JW's try and rationalize with themselves all these other people are just ignorant, rather than knowing "the truth" and not following it. When in reality JW's are actually the ones suffering from ignorance, but because they're told they're superior they truly never, ever see it.

    So yeah, apostates are scary things. Until you realize they're no different than anyone else, and not everyone in the world is scary...this place can be very intimidating. That is, until like another poster above said, and it was VERY well said, you give yourself PERMISSION to think differently. It's a basic human right that is easily forgotten about within the organization. Self permission, what a concept

  • frankiespeakin

    I certainly feel that this is not a major concern and only a few feel this should be followed. I personally don't give a rat's ass about offending any JW's sensibilities and feel the honest feelings expressed on this forum to be more healing from wounds and to be expected.

    As to Jehovah's Witnesses visiting this site they will see honesty in all its various colors and shades,,this will scare away some or peak their curiosity what ever. Lets the chips fall where they may better to be real than a WT drone.


    Theres not much point in going out of your way to insult a JW..

    Anything considered apostate is insulting to them..

    Overkill is`nt necessary..

    Candy coating the truth is also pointless..

    Just say what you have to say and leave it at at that..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • undercover
    Should our posts keep visiting Jehovah's Witnesses from being upset?

    Define 'visiting JWs'...

    It would be rare to see an active, believing JW 'visit' the board, but on the offchance one did, it won't take much before they're upset, so why bother worrying about them? If someone doesn't like the word 'cult' or criticisms of doctrines and practices, too bad. Don't hang out here...

    If you mean someone who is already questioning enough to google "jehovah's witnesses" then hopefully they're open to learning some upsetting things about their religion. Who wasn't upset to hear certain things about what we believed? Even when we were starting to wake up, we still went through a period of wanting to believe, or hoping we were wrong. So anything matter how truthful...was upsetting to some degree.

  • wobble

    What are they offended about ? because we call the WBT$ a Cult ? if that is untrue, prove it and we will stop doing it.

    Likewise if we expose the false doctrines. the ongoing paedophile problem, the association they had with the United Nations, etc etc, if any of these things are false, then prove them to be so and we will stop mentioning them.

    Until then ,I for one will continue to expose the lying, scripture twisting, mind-controlling, unloving false religion that is the WBT$/JW's.



  • feenx

    Excellent point Wobble!! I too will the first to say I am wrong if anyone can disprove any of the above.

  • LongHairGal

    I certainly was not upset by anybody's posts when I first visited this site whether the poster was very articulate or not. In fact, I breathed a sigh of relief that there were people who called a spade a spade and didn't use weasel words to describe what really happened to them in the religion.

    As the posters above have brought out, the JW religion has certainly spared no bad words when describing anybody who does not agree with them, which is just about everybody else! I remember when being in the religion in the early years that I was a little shocked at how the JWs knocked other religions right from the podium and I remember a visitor being stumbled by this. So, I have no pity for them. They can and should expect to get back what they dished out. Religions are all a joke anyway. One criticizes another and it is like the pot calling the kettle black.

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