by Hobo Ken 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken

    Fuzzypaul;- I live in the UK so I don't really think U.S. law will have any bearing in this case and in any case I'm sure they would not want any publicity from a legal situation developing.

    Thanks for the bump iknowall and yknot.

    Ninja;- lol if they ever catch up wi you at least you will know what not to say!!

    leec and dig692 :- it helped that I knew exactly what the organisation is and is not before I set foot in there.

    I had no fear or worry at all, even about the outcome. At times I actually was so calm I enjoyed myself thinking they would be exposed in future.

    thanks to all.


  • cantleave

    Matt, Thanks for posting. I have decided to keep my mouth shut and say nothing if asked about my beliefs. I won't see the elders about my poor meeting attendance or lack of FS. There is no way of winning against brain-washed cult members.

    Your demeanour under juress is real a credit to you, I do not feel I could maintain that under similar circumstances.

  • leavingwt

    I'm listening to it now and I'm enjoying it. I'm glad you recorded this kangaroo court for the world to hear. These people don't give a $hit about what is true.

    I love how they were fearful that you might have actually read an old WT publication.

  • leavingwt

    Another point. . .

    How many times have you heard JW apologists insist that JW can hold "personal views".

    These elders, time and again, express that NO, you CANNOT hold personal views. They equate this with apostasy.

  • leavingwt

    Just heard the part where the brother freaks out because you aren't using the name "Jehovah" often enough.

  • cyberjesus

    another hero!

  • besty

    who was the more intelligent elder doing most of the talking?

  • ThomasCovenant

    Thank you once again for recording this process.

  • boyzone

    LOL!!! "Making mistakes doesn't make you a false prophet" What a load of tripe.

    "Be obedient to those taking the lead"!! Don't the brothers know that "obedience" is relative?? It means "to be persuaded by". If you're not persuaded by those taking the lead, then you're certainly not obliged to be obedient to them, especially when they're wrong!!

    Matthew, you are amazing, you know that?

  • iknowall558

    Concluding the Police Force.....

    "We want you to return to Jehovah's Organization. So how would you do that? You've got to examine what you believe. It would be appropriate to seek help USING THE PUBLICATIONS OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. If you've got the magazines, look at them, read them and come to the brothers and ask for help, showing SUBMISSION to Jehovahs organization.

    Examine what you believe..........skip the Bible on that one... dont even think of going to outside sources or reading any other books written by anyone remotely clever or who may actually know what they're talking about.........only use our literature. You must be fully indoctrinated and culted up to the eyeballs again before the elders will allow you back in.

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