The end is nigh!

by highdose 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    after a year of having been out and 7 months on JWN, i like to think that i'm pretty well deprogrammed.

    One thing i still have trouble with though is the mental attitude of thinking that the end is coming SOON. difficult to explain this, but its like a mental awareness that is always there no matter what.

    And of course the end is not coming, i just don't know how to get my brain to realise this?!?!

  • Alpaca

    Pick up a Historical Geology textbook ... that will fix it.

  • Robdar

    Give yourself more time. It took me years to get over it and it still rears its ugly head from time to time but not like it used to be.

    I wish you well in your recovery.

  • mutinyinheaven

    therapy. years of it. if you grow up in the mess, it can stick with your internal belief system for a while.

    then it gets better....things do get better.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I too have trouble with this. I know the end is not close and in fact I was talking with an older sister who is 85 and in really bad health. She is a pioneer they have let her stay on the list but she cannot go out in service because her body is old and she is in so much pain.

    But of course in the WT world that is not excuse and so she beats herself up even though she says she knows Jehovah understands. She was still crying over the fact that she just cannot do the work.

    Then she said you know the systems end is so close, of course she wants to think that because she is dying. This has been her hope all of her life. Her kids were not supposed to go to school now she has great grandkids in school.

    Anyway I fell right back into saying yes I know the system is so close to ending. I was thinking to myself WTF how can I be saying this????? But a huge part of me wanted to believe it. I was blown away by how much of me wanted to believe it.

    It is so sad. We have been lied to for so long. I look at that old sister and want to cry. What a wast of a life. She still drags herself out in service in pain door to door. Her doctor told her riding in a car and getting in and out of it is hurting her back and not to do it but she just has to because Jehovah is demanding it of her. What a hateful God is that????????

    We have such a short time of life and what a waste when all we do is wish it away hopping that this systems end is close. I look at the old sister, she was in her 20's when she became a JW and now????? No new system for her she will die in this world with a wasted life. How unbelievably sad.


  • dgp

    Our entire civilization believes that the end will come. It's difficult not to think that way even for a person who's never been a witness. Give yourself time.

  • Japster

    I've been out since Feb 2005 YAYYYYYYY!!!!! Five year anniversary....wen out with a BANG DF'd of course

    Still not over the bullshit in my brain sometime. Recently went to a family re-union in sunny Palm Springs. I spoke to two uncles one 60ish the other 80ish who both left the borg in their late teens

    One the 60ish one, toally forgets everything about it

    the other 80ish one say he's still fu**Ked up by it at times and isolates from many of the family. just happy in Vancouver, Canada

    GO CANADA GO.........................GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • VIII

    Yeah, 1975 came and went too. I got baptized and was all set. I waited and waited for the Great Tribulation to start and for all the bad people to start dying and nothing. No Armageddon. No buildings collasped. No birds plucking eyeballs out of all those bullies in grade school. No babies falling into craters (like the Paradise Book).


    I waited and waited. And waited.

    And suddenly I was watching Dick Clark's Rockin' New Years Eve and it was 1976.

    I want to pet my Lion goddammit!!! They promised.

    So, how many more generations will swallow their Jim Jones/Scientologist BS?

    Yeah, probably more.

    Aren't you glad you're out?

    Me too.

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    I thought the end came in 1975. We are now all enjoying

    the rich blessing of God's spiritual paradise.

    Sour Grapes

  • WTWizard

    This sounds like a good research project on mid-1800s religious groups is in order. Many of these "The end is nigh" groups started in the mid 1800s, and the Jehovah's Witlesses is one of them. They were effectively the answer to a heated dispute as to when the end was coming, and they emphatically picked 1874 as their answer. That was in 1872, after quite a few of them had already went bust. Unlike some of the others that died out, the witlesses dishonestly adjusted their date when they started going bust as well--first to 1878, then 1914, and then the dates we are more familiar with. You will learn that, if the end didn't come in 1874 and they continued adjusting the date, that it probably will not come now (at least not a supernatural end).

    The reality is that there are possibilities. The end could come--as in a manmade totalitarian government ending all freedom, man exterminating life from the earth, or something slamming into the earth. If that happens, no cult or religion is going to help you--and it is impossible to predict with certainty when this will happen. It could happen tomorrow, or it could happen 5 billion years from now when the sun swallows the earth. And, a man-made end could be stalled because of free will--they could change their minds or run into unforseen circumstances preventing them from executing their plans.

    The other possibility is that the end will not come at all--at least not until the sun swallows the earth 5 billion years from now. There will always be disasters and man-made political problems, but nothing that will with finality end things on earth. Again, no religious group is going to help.

    The possibility of a God-initiated end, however, can safely be dismissed forever. God has been promising this ever since humans were capable of thinking for themselves. Jesus was misquoted as promising that the end of all civilization was imminent, when it was only the Jewish system that was going down. Religions have promised deliverance within a time frame of a lifetime ever since they began, and nothing has happened. Usually, the religions themselves created more havoc than any judgment, and they solved precisely nothing. Even God Himself has created more problems and solved nothing--how many people need to prove their integrity before He is satisfied? And, wasn't Jesus supposed to be "a perfect sacrifice, to which nothing ever need be added"? If so, why are we still waiting 2,000+ years later? Because it's all a scam?

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