The most frightening time in this Worlds History!

by wannabe 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AllTimeJeff

    I miss scaring the absolute shit out of myself with the visions of the future, courtesy of the bible. It's sort of like a roller coaster ride, unstrapped.

  • Twitch

    Why? Has American Idol been cancelled?

  • villabolo


    "The devastation brought on by the bubonic plague in the 6th century and the black death in the 14th century was so severe that the ability of the human race to continue - at least in Europe- was questioned."

    To elaborate on Zarco's point, the first pandemic wave of Bubonic/Pneumonic Plague killed 1/4 of the population from China, to India, and all the way to Eurasia. The population started recovering but then it was hit by another pandemic wave killing almost the same percentage of people. There were four pandemic waves within a 70 year period which, and although they killed a diminishing percentage of the population, were nonetheless coming closer and closer in time. Birth rates had plummeted from the time of the second pandemic and it has been calculated that as much as half the population between China and Europe, as well as parts of Northern Africa.

    There has yet to be another catastrophe like that, in historical times at least. Yet I suspect that it may come in the future. If it does, the Bible and it's mock prophecies will have nothing to do with it and it's false promises will not be forthcoming.


  • stillajwexelder

    Please may I suggest you read "A History of the End of the World" by Jonathan Kirsch ISBN- 13: 978-0-06-081698-8

    It puts things in perspective and in particular blames Revelation in the bible for all the Hysteria of the last two millenia

  • BluesBrother

    The most frightening time??

    Only if you are the type of person to be frightened - i e a worrier that is swayed by the media. (including the WT)

    From what I read, Americans were scared to death in the 1950's by the nuclear bomb, by the growth of Communism ....but somehow we are all still here. Another scare will happen 'tomorrow'. You can frighten yourself if you want, I chose not to.

  • Gayle

    Most eras have had their "best of times and their worst of times." What you dwell on is up to you. Some have a choice but choose to live their life in fear anyway. Watch documentaries of past centuries or read documented books. Horrible eras, civil war, WWI and WWII, horrible wars in the East in past eras, every continent has had its horrible past, slaughtering of millions at many given times, death of milions due to plagues. Every century has its 'horrible.'

    There are so many things so much better now. Make a list of those things and keep it in mind. Be thankful. Join a positive, charitable cause to better something in this life, there are so many good groups.



    You remind me of a child that having watched a horror movie or read a scary book, starts to confuse the scripted actors with real people. Having identified with the hero and his role, the child begins to confuse the entertaining story with reality.

    Soon there is a ghost under his bed. Is that weird noise cats fighting in the garden or is the world starting to self destruct? Could the shadows on the wall be the monster coming to get the child? Who will save the world from the gremlins? Where is the ghost buster? woooo!

    Fortunately most children grow out of this delusional and imaginative part of their lives.

    Some never do!

  • cantleave

    I think I would have been more frightened when black death was pandemic and intellectual ignorance was at its height.

  • jookbeard

    wannabe always concerns me with his/her opening incredibly long posts yet never comes back to the thread to debate the subject

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