Is the Bible Open to Just Any Interpretation?

by Mythbuster 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    In my hermenuetics class we were taught the historical grammatical method. This means that the reader must take into account the author, the audience and the genre of the book. We were taught to ask oursleves two questions, "What did this Scripture mean to the original readers?" and "How does this Scripture apply to me today?" For example, Deuteronomy 22:8 requires that all rooftops have railings. The reason was that the rooftop was the "family room" of that day. The evening meal was served there as well as the majority of the familial activities. During the summer, the family would sleep on the rooftop. So the railing would prevent a child or adult from getting up in the middle of the night, for whatever reason, and walikng of the roof. Okay, so what does this mean to Christians living in the 21st century? Simply, if you have a pool, you should fence it off to prevent the drowning of a child.

    I have found that this method is the best for studying the bible, and is the method used by most of the scholars I reference.

  • Mythbuster

    Thanks for the comments. I was really trying to point out that the WTBTS say that people can't just make up their own definitions from a dictionary and then turned around and did just that.

  • Terry

    Thanks for the comments. I was really trying to point out that the WTBTS say that people can't just make up their own definitions from a dictionary and then turned around and did just that

    At each stage of re-transmission of a message comes a personal spin!

    Think of the daily newspaper.

    You don't get the happenings of the day.

    You get an editorial staff's FILTER!

    What gets reported vs what doesn't.

    How does the story get framed? What details are bent toward what end?

    Compare this to a Court of Law where you must swear: To....

    1.Tell the Truth

    2.The whole truth

    3.Nothing but the truth

    All 3 components must be present or else an omission or addition can color the interpretation of a pure event.

    Translating a text of scripture was ALWAYS an opportunity for the copyist to DO US A FAVOR BY INJECTING HIS OWN UNDERSTANDING of how the text SHOULD READ.

    Look at our beloved New World Translation to see how easily this is done in the name of ACCURACY.

    The editorial filter is said to CLARIFY for us what the text REALLY MEANT. Instead, we get a strong injection of theology!

    We end up with "families of manuscripts" which agree (more or less) yet, conflict or conflate in comparison with other families of manuscripts.

    If you like one family of texts you claim it is more accurate. If you dislike another family of texts you are able to say they are corrupt.

    Our present day understanding of "What a Writer Meant" is illusory.

  • thetrueone

    Each individual religion has their own established set of protectionism relating to their interpretation of the bible,

    many times cultivated with intensional self empowerment. ( WTS. )

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