BOE Letter on Mothers to be

by JWFreak 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    The best strategy by far for avoiding having JWs finding you via the hospital records is to NEVER EVER TELL THEM that you are / were a JW. When they ask if you belong to a religion, JUST SAY NO.

    I've encountered JW Elders™ at the hospital where I work. They are provided with a special "Pastoral Care" badge that authorizes them to be in the hospital, LOOKING UP ALL THE JW PATIENTS ostensibly to provide "pastoral visits". While they don't have access to your chart, they can just show up at your bedside and observe the surroundings - even if you are sound asleep or unconscious. If you've consented to a blood transfusion, and are unconscious / asleep when they show up and they see blood hanging and infusing into you, you are automatically Disassociated By Your Actions™.

    Don't give them the satisfaction. They will get a print-out from pastoral services listing all JW patients. If you aren't on their list, they can't find you.

  • AllTimeJeff

    MO RON!

    This burns me. First off, they must really want any elder on the HLC's to die by the age of 55. Secondly, this means that all elders must visit expecting mothers with this BS, and we all know why. They want to limit their exposure to lawsuits because of their idiotic blood teachings...

    I will say, that there are some pro science, pro medicine elders at Brooklyn who try to influence the cult members to, you know, go to the doctor.

  • awildflower

    This is just going to give expecting moms something else negative to be thinking about instead of the arrival of their precious babies! I mean come on, if you are a pregnant woman, in America, in this century, and I'm assuming of an adult age, do you really need an Awake article to give you ANY information on childbirth?? This is one of those areas where the org gets dangerous!

    Every time I see a pic or article of Emma it just burns me. So unnecessary!

  • besty

    lol @ Farkel

    I've said it before and I'll say it again - the real reason for the HLC is to make sure Jehovah's Witnesses take blood - or the parts of it they are allowed - the WTS needs more dead mothers and babies like a hole in the head.

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    Blood On The Altar by David Reed is a documented work proven that the gb are guilty of murder through the no-blood doctrine.


  • VM44

    Furthermore, the HLC can provide doctors with a helpful comprehensive document entitled "Clinical Strategies for
    Avoiding and Controlling Hemorrhage and Anemia Without Blood Transfusion in Obstetrics and

    Is this document available online?

  • hamsterbait

    With growth falling in the developed world, and the US having almost the highest infant mortality in the developed world, growth is only coming from having babies.

    (Hence the constant placing of sex into the minds of its hormone engorged teenagers)

    Cant have anything happen to dem dar babies...

    Seriously though there are witlesses relying on quack and fringe treatments. They either cannot afford care, or mistrust the medical profession.

    One sister I knew had not had a period in nearly four months. I KNOW I'm pregnant she said, and I dont need a test to confirm it.

    For all she knew it could have been something sinister. Dumb.


  • BluesBrother
  • JustThatGirl007

    Ok, I realize this thread is mega old, but WOW.....

    I forgot about this letter. :p

    As a former doula/midwifery student and a mother w/ 4 births under her belt (3 at home), this is BULL. SHIT. Who the hell do they think they are, telling women how to birth?! The minute one of the GB pushes out a baby is the minute they have any authority on the subject. Until then, they need to STFU.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    It is common for some people to view childbirth as a natural and benign process and not
    to appreciate the risks and complications that can occur with delivery. Furthermore, a lack of
    professional prenatal care can lead to childbirth problems, such as excessive bleeding, obstructed
    labor, infection, and anemia because of prematurity, which often involve blood transfusion.

    Evidently, childbirth is NOT a natural and benign process. It must be meddled with and turned into a medical minefield by the Governing Body to further the control they hold.

    Blood guilty guys should be in prison.


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