Have JW's got the Memorial date wrong?

by wobble 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    I remember a long and complicated debate between our very own Joseph Malik and the unbelievably named Rud Perrson about the sabbaths that seemed to show that the nit-picking Witlesses had even got this wrong !

    I would love to see a simple explanation.

    The other thing is that I do believe the once a year thing is wrong, Jesus didn't say "Every passover", they were enjoying a meal together, and he said "As often as you do this......" so whenever they ate together it would be good to have something that celebrated Jesus' life and death.

    But is Nisan14 wrong anyway ?



  • WTWizard

    I believe it is as likely to be wrong as not. I can still remember the REJECT Jesus Party that was in March. That year, Easter was in April, a month later--and of course the witlesses claimed that the world was in the wrong. And, more recently they got the whole thing wrong (2008)--both the REJECT Jesus Party and Easter were a month too early.

  • cameo-d

    The Gauls were notorious for beheading their enemies and drinking their blood from the skull.

    This act was a victory ritual.

    Perhaps this is what Jesus was referring to when he passed the cup of wine and sarcastically made reference to it being his blood. He knew they were going to kill him and by mentioning this type of ritual, he was pointing out his killers.

    His killers were the rulers of religion and commerce. And it still thrives today.

    international bankers=money changers=illuminati

    If you look at bottom center, you will see that this Byzantine artist left a hint. Though many say that the skull and bones images found in many of the old crucifixion paintings refer to "golgotha", that is probably an excuse. I think it depicts the killers calling card. The skull and bones icon refers to something else and most people know it by now. Using the excuse of Golgotha to explain the skull was probably the only way that artists could let this important information slip past so that it could be deciphered in these 'last days'.

  • Podobear

    Have you tried reading the material published by Greg Stafford on this subject, Wobble? There appears to be no firm understanding about the frequency of the celebration, the accuracy of the exact time of the Passover. And, despite being known as Quartodecinarians, this appears to have been due consensus by the early "church".. the Romans knowing exactly where to find hoards of Christians on that "memorial" night. All the best. Podo..

  • fokyc

    They cannot have got the Memorial date wrong!

    Jehovah told them: "Tuesday March 30th 2010 after sundown".

    After all the JW's are Jehovah's personal representatives on earth.


  • donuthole

    JW's sometimes get the date wrong. They have started the count at the astronomical new moon (no visibility) when they should go by first visibility of the new moon, which is the ancient way of reckoning it. Also technically you are supposed to calculate the New Year when the barley in Palestine is at the aviv stage of development. If it is immature you add an extra month to the year - making it a thirteen month long year - delaying Nisan until the next New Moon. In events like this they can be as much as a month off, which was the case in 2008.

  • JosephMalik


    The date the time and who was present are just some of the things they got wrong. And there is more that I did not cover in that discussion. But you can see some of the evidence simply by reading the accounts given in scripture place side by side. http://home.earthlink.net/~jmalik/ch9notes.txt

    I know that this is only about Jesus our Savior and His ordeal to redeem us so there does not seem to be any effort by the Watchtower Jehovists to get it right or understand it properly since it would disturb the flock. And they may discover that their trumpet was playing a sour note all this time and/or their channel from God was snowy and faded out but I cared and wanted to know what happened to my savior. And then many have different views on it so their is lots of noise out there on the subject. And this is a topic that effects most all denominations and not just the Watchtower so they have a stake in it as well since their views differ from scripture and depend on scholars who did not know the correct answer either. None of them seem to realize that the Passover meal is always a Sabbath and the next afternoon in still Sabbath. Or that the bread was a sacred ingredient of that meal? Go figure.


  • donuthole


    Your timeline has Jesus dying on a Thursday. How is this reconciled with John 19:31 which states that the death needed to be hastened because the next day was a Sabbath.

  • JosephMalik


    Because during Passover (a week long event) there was a Sabbath that Friday and a another Preparation day before this Friday. In fact this is the preparation day of Nisan 20 mentioned by John and not the one not even mentioned as preparation day, the time the Lambs were killed and prepared earlier that week on Nisan 14. Thursday was a day of Preparation for the unleavened bread that was made from new grain during Passover. This was also a requirement for the festival of weeks that always begins during Passover week or the Festival of Unleavened bread which it was also called. Passover and Pentecost are inseparably tied together because of this. As our Lord was before Pilate around the 12th hour or 12 noon our time on Wednesday discussing if Barrabas or Jesus should be set free and since Jesus was nailed up on the very next third hour afterward it had to be the third hour of the night and the date also changed from the Wed to the beginning of Thursday or 9PM which was their third hour of the night and a day of Preparation. Now the next afternoon after that was still Thursday and still a day of Preparation for the 7th day of Passover when it became dark and an earthquake took place. With Friday the 7th day of Passover a Sabbath and Saturday a Legal Sabbath we have a high or great Sabbath of 48 hours during that observance. Nothing really unusual about this and the Scriptures can refer to the Passovers in singular or plural depending on the context of their material which they did. English translations however tend to hide this from us. And some argue that the 1st an/or 7th Passover days are not real Sabbaths since the work of preparing food could be done on the, but in fact they were more important than weekly Sabbaths and would override the Law on doing such work on them. The Talmud agrees. Does all this sound strange? How could so many denominations get it wrong? Well I did not write the scriptures and anyone that really wants to know can read them for themselves. As for the Watchtower and its teachings. Run don't walk away from them and don't bother to look back. More information in Beyond Watchtower doctrine which downloads with the book at: http://home.earthlink.net/~jmalik/btwbook.html


  • thetrueone

    A message from Jesus

    Your all idiots....

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