Since Some Were Asking About The Vast Apostate Army...

by Tuesday 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • roguepixel

    Guys? What happened to the Vast Apostate Army?!? On Facebook there's only a measly 192 members! This sucks! Kinda makes you feel like Nelson H. Barbour sometimes...

    We need to start street witnessing outside Kingdom Halls on meeting nights... buy a printing press....maybe invest in some miracle wheat...

  • exwhyzee

    From what I understand, the buildings in Brooklyn are virtually deserted except for the laundry facality where, for now, they bring everything in by truck from Patterson and the other upstate New York facilities. Brooklyn is no longer the place to focus on it would seem.

  • myelaine

    dear OUTLAW...

    you said:... "They will definitely go into Seige Mentality..

    Could you imagine what a commotion this would cause..

    Only to find out later on down the road,your being laughed at..

    I don`t think it will take down the WBT$..


    It would make them a Laughing Stock,on a Globel Level..

    That in itself..

    Is reward enough,for a Joke this Good.."

    I wonder how funny it would be if ANYONE was essentially held hostage and terrorized?...I'm thinking, NOT VERY...

    you know that believing JW's are already terrified of leaving the WTBTS because to do so means death at armeggedon for each of them...they have the mind of a little child in this regard...

    I can't see any humor in this is just mean.

    in real life "wisdom" negotiates with the captors...not the captives.

    love michelle

  • scary21

    That is a cool song...........Bringing down the watchtower.... I wonder who did it ? Who is in the video ?

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    I wonder what happened to this initiative?

    I hope it will get better for the new AAWA

  • JakeM2012

    ice cream truck

    One of the millions of the Apostate Army ice cream truck sound cars covering the territories. See the apostates running ahead with the dreamsicle!!!!!! The ice cream truck harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.

  • lynsherm

    I think it might be a good idea to investigate the top criminals, the board of directors and share holders in the Pennsylvania office of the WBTS. It seems to me that this is the head of the snake. I have been unable to find out anything about these people. Does anyone know who these people are and what they are doing?

  • Landy
    I have been unable to find out anything about these people. Does anyone know who these people are and what they are doing?

    Their names are on public record and they are currently running the logistical/financial aspects of a cult/religion.

    To call them criminals is a bit of a stretch for even the most bitter xjw.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Some of these stories are astounding. Why would the Society possibly want to protect sexual predators? And why haven't some of these parents taken matters into their own hands if the Society hasn't? Are the members supposed to work strictly through the Society when these things happen? What about the cops? And if that fails, I'd think a private chat in the back alley would be in order. Or a friendly outing in the woods.

  • Vidiot

    Cold Steel - "Why would the Society possibly want to protect sexual predators?"

    Because there are probably higher-ups among their number.

    Cold Steel - "why haven't some of these parents taken matters into their own hands if the Society hasn't?"

    As in going to the authorities themselves?

    They do eventually, and often get ostracized by their WT peers for their trouble.

    Cold Steel - "Are the members supposed to work strictly through the Society when these things happen?"

    That is the Org's preferred policy.

    Cold Steel - "What about the cops?"

    Giving agents of "Satan's System" an opportunity to solve the problem, thus undermining the Org's authority in the eyes of its members?

    Perish the thought.

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