Would YOU Stop Wearing Cologne Or Perfume At A KH If Someone Had Allergies?

by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    We had a few that would start coughing if someone wore a fragrance. They would make a big deal about anyone wearing cologne and say such ones were not loving and considerate. Some elders would recommend that Witnesses should not wear any cologne or perfume, if they loved their brother or sister. Eventually, they tried to have people stop using anything scented--- deodorants, soap, mouthwash!

    I continued to wear whatever scents I enjoyed. I've always had a lot of oils and colognes. I just stayed away from anyone who might be "stumbled" by my scent.

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    We don't have anyone with allergies in my KH,

    If we had them I'd wear the strongest perfume just to drive elders mad, which would eventually end in Congregation NEEDS Talk about Colognes and Perfumes.

  • minimus

    My mother "claims" to be affected by colognes. When I visit her, I usually will not put any on. The other day, as soon as I walked in she started coughing and complaining about my cologne. I told her I had none on. She then said, "It must be your soap". I replied, "YOU gave me that soap that I used this morning." She got quiet and suddenly stopped coughing.

    A lot of it is for attention, I think. Witnesses typically have some strange disorders like this.

  • asilentone

    I do not need cologne or perfume.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Yes I would have stopped using them. I don't really like them anyways.

    I knew who in the cong had allergies to various things. If we invited someone over for dinner I knew who couldn't eat chicken or anything with eggs etc.

    I am allergic to cigarette smoke. I know how it feels to be on the other end. I just think it is considerate of others to respect their health issues.

  • yknot

    Honestly...... it depends on the person.

    I am not trying to sound insensitive but there are a lot of JW hypochondriacs out there....

    Should someone actually be allergic (like I am to Elizabeth Arden's True Love which I adore but sends me into sneezing fits) than of course I would be considerate of their needs.


    Many JW`s are always sick..

    They always have the newest illness..

    They think the rest of the planet should accomadate them..

    I am allergic to cigarette smoke......Lady Lee

    So am I..


    I smoke cigars..

    I have no allergic reaction to them..

    They put alot of Wierd-Ass chemicals in cigarettes..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • undercover

    A proper amount of cologne or perfume should be acceptable in about any setting, including the Kingdumb Hell. If someone is so allergic to fragrances that they can't be around normal people wearing normal amounts of scents, then they're the ones with the problem and they need to see a doctor.

    If they can't sit in a Hall because of the scents, what about work or school or the metro or the restuarant, etc.?

    And for elders to proclaim KHs as scent free zones is just more evidence of their pharisaical attitude. Yes, it would be loving and kind to be mindful of how much cologne/perfume we wear but to make rules and laws about it?

    Now, on the other hand, I've seen some of the friends wear a half a bottle of smelly shit. And I ain't talking Obsession or Polo Sport. I'm talking High Karate or Old Spice. You could smell em from the parking lot. Those people needed some kind of counseling about how to properly wear cologne. I think some brothers used it to cover over that they were too damn lazy to take a shower before coming to the hall. So instead of plain ole fat guy BO, you got the nice pungent aroma of Old Spice and Horse Sweat. Slobby lazy bastards.

  • minimus

    UNDERCOVER, where were you???

  • straightshooter

    I am one who stopped using perfume/cologne because of the elders talk in the kh about this subject.

    At first I was upset over my personal rights, then I thought that this would save me money. It did save me money.

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