What are the outrageous things did the elders do to you?

by asilentone 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • megaflower

    I was taken aside by an elder and told he did not like my shoes. The heel was not tall enough. I should always be in high heels. I told him he was out of line and I would wear whatever was comfortable.

  • Paralipomenon

    I was told that I had to drop out of the volunteer fire fighter force because it showed a lack of respect for my life.

    I was livid. It was fine for strangers to risk their lives but not a witness because we had a more important work to do in preaching. To risk my life would be an insult to Jehovah.

    I hoped their houses would burn to the ground as the firefighters respected their sanctity of life by not risking their own containing the blaze.

  • Magwitch

    Two years ago my brother was killed in a horrific accident. I felt my world had come to an end. I was driving home from the funeral with my two daughters and my cell phone rings and it is an elder from the hall I used to attend (I had been out of the JW picture for over a year). He told me that they were trying to get a JC together to meet with me. I asked him if he knew my brother had been killed a few days ago. He said he did, but said no words of condolences (Probably because my brother was disfellowshipped). He proceeded to ask me if next Saturday would work for a JC. I was sobbing so hard I had to pull off the road. I asked him again if he realized what had just happened to our family. He said that I would lose my life like my brother if I did not get on the right road. I hung up and never did show up for a JC meeting.

  • QuestioningEverything

    My dad, who wasn't baptised, didn't really want much to do with the witnesses but went to the hall with my mom to make her happy. He hadn't been to the hall in a while 'cause he was working mandatory overtime at work(General Motors). With some of the extra money, he bought a new TV. When the elder and his wife who had been 'mentoring' our family came over, they were furious.

    The elder said to my dad, "Tom, we haven't see you lately," My dad replied that he had been working mandatory overtime(this was the early 80's when GM had it going on.) The elder said, "Well, it's more important to go to the meetings than work OT-even if it's mandatory. I see you've bought a new televison. That was a stupid, wasteful purchase." His wife made the comment that they didn't even have a tv at their house. My dad went off on the elder-told him it was none of his business how he spent his money or what his work schedule was, was this elder going to pay his bills, etc, etc..!!! The elder and his wife were very quiet and left shortly after.

    My dad never went regularly to the meetings after that. He would go to the Memorial but that's it. I wish he would have forbidden all of us to go.

  • QuestioningEverything

    Magwitch-I'm sorry that guy was such an a**hole!! How can they be so callous to the sufferings of others? It is certainly not what Jesus would have done. Shame on them. Sorry about the loss of your brother.

  • winstonchurchill

    Mag, if what they did to you is not in the top ten of all time, it's really close! Those bastards!

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    There was this one self-righteous, over-bearing, pulled-out-of-Brooklyn's-ass, theocratic clone, young elder who proceeded to come over my house to "discuss" some things.

    This ended up in him talking about some "crap" which I considered conscience and personal matters.

    He actually started raising his voice and pounding his fist on my table.

    I proceed to kick him out of my house. Then I gave him the option of continuing the "discussion" in the yard.

    What's funny is....I was the swing vote that got this a**hole appointed!

    I remember thinking, after he was appointed and I seen how he was going to be.....I've created a monster!

  • thepackage

    I got a lecture for giving a talk and having a “loud” tie. Personally, I enjoy wearing suits and dressing up. I was always the best dresser in the Hall so when I gave a talk with a very nice colorful tie, I got ripped a new one by an elder who was 45 years old with 8 kids and he wore the same sport coat all the time. He told me I was calling attention to myself by dressing with the “loud” tie and it took away from my talk and was disrespectful.

    Another time I got a lecture for having short hair!!!! Now keep in mind, I got a real bad skin rash and had to shave my head to apply the medicine. This, however was not a good reason to show up at the Hall with short hair. I was not allowed to do mike’s until my hair grew out. How stupid was that!!!!

  • undercover

    Magwitch - sorry you had to endure that. People show their true colors in certain situations.

    I remember when a family member committed suicide. I called an elder who I thought was a friend, first to let him know and second for maybe some words of comfort. Instead I got a lecture in how these things happen when you don't stay close to the organization. I was also reminded that this family member would not be eligible for resurrection since he committed suicide. We've had discussions here on the board as to whether that is official WT doctrine or not but it doesn't matter. It's what he thought and what he said to me. The insensitivity of his attitude and comments was hard to believe. I severed any association with him after that, outside of what was necessary in the congregation.

  • LittleSister

    The Elders in our Cong knew we didn't get on with relatives in the same Cong and that the husband was desperate to be made an Elder. We had reservations about this relative being appointed which we had previously aired in confidence. However, this wasn't enough, the Elders hounded my husband for dirty on the family until in the end he told them to get stuffed. We may not get on, but we were not about to invent dirt just to please the Elders.

    The relative is now an Elder and knowing what I do I am sure he will fit in perfectly.

    To add a twist to this story the Elders have since told my relatives that we had made accusations against them re his appointment as an Elder causing a great deal of unnecessary friction in the family. They obviously left out their involvement although I am sure my relatives know how much they are disliked.

    Magwitch I am truly sorry for your lose and treatment just proves what these people real are like.

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