Did you loathe going in field service, if so why?

by HappyGuy 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    it was an onerous chore...
    never motivated by a
    sense it was a life-saving
    work... just an obligation
    to fulfill to keep "mother"

  • Woody22

    I hated every minute of it . I suppose that is why I never had any success at it. Now as I look back that is a good thing.


  • Heaven

    I loathed it so much I never went!

    (My reasons were more to do with the fact that I was realizing what a crock it all was when I was a teen .. and ... oh yeah... it isn't in the Bible!)

  • Edington

    I absolutely LOATHED it!!

    It is totally against my nature to go up to people & start talking about the Bible..............it made me very depressed feeling I didn't measure up to the 'super fine' JW's in my cong'

    I will never ever do it again & if Jehovah see's fit to hold me bloodguilty because he felt he had to kill someone at the big A because I didn't call on them with 'the Watchtower troof' then so be it.


  • Finally-Free

    I wouldn't say I loathed it. Some days I liked it and others not. I didn't really mind it until I got married to someone who "lived and breathed" field service, as if there was nothing else to do in life. I still remember some of the arguments we had when our fridge was empty, customers owed me thousands, and she'd start a fight because I wanted to collect some of these receivables instead of going out "preaching". What a f*cked up mind!


  • tjlibre

    I say with all honestly that field service is not my thing. I couldn’t figure out why until I began to “wake up”. Then I realized that what I didn’t like was to pressure people; and I no longer want to help promote something I no longer believe in (JW doctrines). That’s why when I now go from door to door I use the bible alone, I don’t offer “bible studies” or place a literature unless the house hold ask for them. If given the option to choose between being a pastor vs. an evangelizer/missionary, I’ll choose pastoral service.

    I wouldn’t mind teaching a person how to study the bible using bible commentaries and other tools (non WT’s literature). I’ll gladly provide guidance for a couple of months and make my self available if he/she needs help finding answer to biblical questions. But only if the person solicits the help.

    Door to door preaching is not a bad thing, the problem is the stigma that’s attached to it and the “taste aversion’ some of us have developed. The problem is also the manner in which a JW do that service and how its use to judge one’s Christianity. It’s more about placing publications and counting empty hours, than directing people to the bible motivated by pure love and devotion. Its more about using those hours to feel justified before God, while neglecting other thing of more importance such as, visiting the sick, the widows, the orphans, the spiritually weak and depressed or sharing with others.

  • HappyGuy

    life is too short said:

    "All in all I hated field service because we never tried to help the householder come into the "truth" it was all just such a show of who was better then the other."

    chickpea said:

    "it was an onerous chore...
    never motivated by a
    sense it was a life-saving
    work... just an obligation
    to fulfill to keep "mother"

    tjlibre said:
    " The problem is also the manner in which a JW do that service and how its use to judge one’s Christianity. It’s more about placing publications and counting empty hours, than directing people to the bible motivated by pure love and devotion. Its more about using those hours to feel justified before God, while neglecting other thing of more importance such as, visiting the sick, the widows, the orphans, the spiritually weak and depressed or sharing with others."

    I think this is what I was feeling but had trouble putting into words. We weren't there trying to legitimately help people. We weren't being good neighbors, JWs for the most part don't know their neigbhors (they are 'worldly'). We were putting in our time so as not to be marked (judged) as a spiritually weak person.

    The way the WTBTS runs it, the field service work is not a work of love motivated by the heart, it is a chore that must be performed or God will murder you.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Well said Happy Guy "It is a chore that must be performed or God will murder you." That is why I think I hated it.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I loved it and excelled at it till I found it was BS. Then it became offensive and I backed off completely. I couldn't promote the one example of true Godly "Love amongst themselves" when there was none. Gotta admit, one pyramid fact can spoil your whole day if you see it for what it is. W.Once

  • WTWizard

    I hated going out because it was so disruptive to my routine and wasted so much of my time. I liked it when nothing got done--I dreaded going to doors, especially if there was a good chance it would drag on or someone disgustingly ugly were on the other side of the door. And, yes it could become an embarrassment, even before the pedophile scandals became mainstream.

    I am not the only one that hated field circus, either. While I was out, there was one pio-sneer couple that would drag themselves out about 15 to 20 minutes late nearly every morning, coffee in hand, moaning about not wanting to be out in field circus. Yet, they were always out there--disorganized, running around to accomplish nothing, and all. And, one of them died faithful as a pio-sneer.

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