I've just lost a Loved one

by AwSnap 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • AwSnap

    The thing that sucks is that they are very much alive & we are literally less than five miles apart from each other everyday.

    I had a long talk with one of my siblings today. I've been getting a really weird vibe lately...today it was confirmed that I will be shunned from here on out from them. I'm not df'd or da'd, but I expressed the fact that I will be starting to be more outward regarding my feelings towards "worldly" holidays and such. I was able to ask if he/she would join the YMCA if there was one in our town...the response was "Probably not, since it represents something that we dont support." So then I was able to say how shocked I was when I went to the official United Nations website & typed in Witnesses in the search box. Sure as $hit there is an official letter saying that the JWs were members of the UN from 1992-2002. (I said a jw had mentioned it to me months ago & I just looked it up to verify). I told him/her that their family will always be welcome in our home, and that if he/she ever would care to know the details of why I feel the JWs are not the truth, he/she can feel free to ask me.

    I know I've done the right thing. And I'm willing to go with the emotions that follow. I think most jw's are wonderful, beautiful, caring people who only mean what's best. But I hope those corrupt, hypocritical bastards up in the chosen land of Bethel New York get exactly what they deserve.

    I'm going to take some ibuprofen now...my head hurts from crying

  • SixofNine
  • AwSnap

    Of course, the conversation was a lot longer...but I also wanted to mention something else I said that I hope they will remember: "I find it frusterating that the jw's find fault with all holidays and "worldly" things, but you've never looked into the origins of your own faith and you're willing to stop talking and associating with me still. AND, if Charles Russel were here today, he would be disfellowshipped for all his beliefs."

  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    This sucks.

    Hopefully the info you gave them will bother them enough that they will check it out.

    Thinking of you.


  • palmtree67

    Oh, sweetie.......So sorry to hear it.

    Wish I could make you a hot cup of chamomile tea and share your box of kleenexes.

    ((((((((( Snap ))))))))))))))))))))

  • iknowall558

    I am so sorry that you're having to go through this just now. Its a very painful thing to lose the people you love. You did do the right thing! Dont doubt it for a minute! You are still keeping your home and your friendship open to them.....and if anytime in the future, if they happen to wake up, they will know where they can go. Be assured they will be hurting too, but they have been duped into thinking they are keeping themselves right with God. The WT and the pensioners in Brooklyn do a good job with the emotional blackmail and mind control. You know you are a lovely person.....with a lovely (handsome) husband. Be Angry. Be sad but be strong....you never know when things might change.

    Lorraine x x

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Sorry to hear that, Awsnap.

    It's funny (not funny "ha ha", funny strange) how none of my worldly relatives shun me for being a JW but my JW relatives would surely shun me if they found out how I felt about the borg.

  • AwSnap

    Apparently, "members" is an incorrect term. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society were "associated" with the United Nations (which will still rock my sibling's world if they investigate, but I absolutely see the point). My mistake. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/187323/1/Jehovahs-Witnesses-The-United-Nations

    Thanks for the support you guys. Palmtree, I sure could use some chamomile...but I'll settle for the veggie recipe you sent me ;-) did i tell you how awesome it is?

  • palmtree67

    Glad you liked it!

    BTW, my son left the JWs about 4 years ago. He is neither DF'ed or DA'ed but completely shunned by everyone, including my family. It was how he was treated that really got me thinking. I mean, he was ( still is ) a great kid, never been in any trouble, just didn't want to go to meetings anymore.

    And here were all these people who had watched him grow up, camped with us, eaten at our home, etc.......and it was like HE JUST DIDN'T EXIST for them anymore. No one ever asked about him or even mentioned his name. It was like he died to them and no one wanted to say anything. It was bizarre. And it all felt really wrong to me.

    So perhaps someone else in your family might see how you're being treated and it will make them start to think, too.

    Hang in there, kiddo!!

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Snap, sorry to hear of your situation...I hope all goes well in time.

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