The "move away" Fade

by jacquicortez 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • darkuncle29

    This is how I accidentally faded. I moved, then moved again and had a time consuming hobby and worked full time. It sucked still being a believer though.

  • myownlife

    I moved for a job about 40 miles away which helped keep my family out of my business. But don't you know, my mother contacted the local congregation and gave them my general location....she sicked them on me by proxy!!!! I wouldn't speak to them..always busy and made sure I over decorated for every holiday LOL!

    Then, she signed me up for a subscription to the mags....made great fire starters. I think she finally gave up when I told the last dubs who knocked on my door that I was not interested, never will be and to tell my mother to mind her own damm business!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    About two years after I faded away, I moved interstate and I found it so much easier to be my “new” self.

    I basically had to if I wanted to avoid bumping Witnesses all over the capital city I had been living in. If I’d moved to another suburb, anywhere north, west, east or south, I would have been living in an area where I knew some Witnesses.

    So I packed up and moved interstate. I moved to another large city where I already knew some ex-JWs so I had a small support base. It’s not always easy moving but I like a bit of adventure. And I’m glad I did it when I did.

    I’m now living in the town I grew up with, a much smaller town than the ones I was living in, so I do occasionally see JWs that I remember from long ago. I don’t think they realise I’m not a JW anymore – they probably assume I’m attending the other congregation (there are 2 congs in this town).

    So if you’re considering moving to start a new life away from the JWs, I can recommend it, as long as you plan it well.


    I moved after I'd faded and stopped going. Before the move I was under pressure from the threat of elders coming round although they only really chased on the phone. I had a house visit made during FS with an old sis in tow so no chance to interrogate me. I wasn't scared of meeting dubs on the street or indeed elders but felt like I always had to be prepared for it.

    The day after the move (to a completely different circuit) I was in a restaurant in a busy part of town and recognised the only local dub I knew sitting right behind me. I didn't care and haven't seen anyone again in years. It's great to be able to do what I want and when without thinking I might meet dubs. In fact it's been history for me until I came across JWN.

    Moving is the best way to fade - seen lots do it but have no idea where they are so cannot compare notes


  • shamus100

    I did the move - fade. I didn't move because I wanted to fade, all the right things happened at once. It was 50/50. I decided when I moved I was going to take a year long break - literally.

    Well, it only took about three weeks and I went to the memorial - decided right then and there I was done. One hounder tried to grab me a few times at a grocery store. Then one day I was having a beer with a friend and he nearly went through a stop sign staring at me. I stood up on my bench and gave him the finger - never saw him again, and have never been bothered since!

    I just think back to that memorial and seeing those nitwits... uuugh! Never again!

    The move away fade works great - I say incorporate it in with your move and you'll do fine!

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I wish I could move but I love my job too much. I'd seriously rather be shunned and keep my job than move away and keep extended family.

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