Fun with numbers (or the Watchtower running out of steam) Statistics

by Aussie Oz 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • thetrueone

    The WTS knows how to increase the numbers across the board , they just simply lie and sensationalized doctrines.

    If they see the numbers declining to a disturbing extent, you can best assume that there will be some more zealous lying in the future.

    They don't give a whoot about who's life they fuck up along the way. They are to support themselves at all costs or regard for anyone else.

    Thats a " Truth " you can depend on.

    Coercive fear is their marketing strategy and they are true masters of it.

  • jacquicortez

    the quality of fs had declined...a couple of weeks ago some jw's ranged my bell on a sat morning around 10:00 am

    i was up but my kid was still sleeping. So i was all prepared to let them in and talk since now they woke up my kid.

    well the "brother" asked if i spoke spanish. I said "no" and he said "ok" and walked away. I guess i don't get life

    since i don't speak spanish. He clearly spoke english so language wasnt a problem

    but maybe the HS lead him away because i'm disfellowhipped.

    i'm sure that was it. and that was the first time i've seen a jw in the fs in the past 3 yrs i've been here. oh i did find

    a track in another language under my door like a year ago.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Thanks doug, still it seems no matter what spin they put on it, increases are going down.

    The golden years are gone, back in those days, most people had some sort of genuine 'godliness' it seems. wars no longer send people to religion in massive numbers.


  • moomanchu

    ...this year began allowing parents to count time studying with their children. Do you mean all those years ago, I wasn't following "the rules?" There were months - maybe years - when the only time I had was the 'study' time with my kids! If so, mea culpa. DITTO....... Can anyone verify? New service arrangements for World Wide Work: In modern world countries the focus of our ministry will shift to keep ourselves and our children firm in the faith. This is because of all the the attacks from Satan through the media and the internet. Service time will progessively be spent more on preserving our brotherhood in these countries and less on preaching to new ones. These countries have recieved a thorough witness and our preaching obligation has been fulfilled there. Third world countries status quo.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Aussie Oz,

    No problems. The WTS makes noises about their figures, but sober analysis shows that when compared with the natural increase of the world's population, the WTS is treading water, maybe going backwards.

    Their witnessing work is ineffective, with many hours spent per baptism, while their increases include baptisms within JW families, namely their own children.

    I would like to get hold of the latest detailed figures and also the figures for the previous year. How can I get them? I would enjoy doing some analysis.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Doug, not sure!

    i found the twenty year apart figures quite by accident. They will likely in the new years Mags talk about the marvelous growth of the last year and i guess we wait for the 09 yearbook.

    Birth rates are outstripping them for sure. The other interesting religious growth in the world is Islam, reported to be growing so fast by birthrate alone that it is estimated that within 20 to 50 years, most countries will be more islam than christian. Google stuff like that and the stats are amazing.


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