February 2010 Study Watchtower - Millions Now Living 'May' Never Die

by Marni Mai 72 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MinisterAmos

    Spoke with a Bro at the Service Desk, and he was able to confirm that the talk as originally given beginning in Feb 1918 contained the word "may." Starting in March 1918 the verbage was changed to "will."

    I aswked him why they are teaching 'old light' as 'new light' since the change was made from "may" to "will" not the other way around, and he told me to write a letter.


  • bamse

    I have earlier mentioned that in the norwegian edition "May/will" is rendered "will" or "shall" with the norwegian word "skal". Now I have read the danish and swedish editions from www.jw.org and discovered the following:

    Danish: "vil måske aldrig" which means "will maybe never"

    Swedish: "skola aldrig" which means "will never" or "shall never".

  • KnowlegeSeeker_UK

    Not sure if its connected, but there is a delay with the printing of the uk study article. The other mags arrived without it. People are talking about this . Tell all your JW friends n family becuase this takes some explaining, it leaves a sour taste mainly due to its obvious FALSE prophetic vision, million then living are now dead....... They are going to drop like flys this decade. There is a prophecy i will stand by.

  • Gerard

    The WashTowel has been around so may decades because they have been skillful at denying and re-writting its past.

  • sd-7

    Actually reading the implications of this article is even more troubling than the obvious deception. I guess, to quote the article on honesty, this isn't "malicious" lying "designed to mislead". Oh...wait...it is...

    There is so much wrong with this article that I want to start a new topic on it right now! Tag me in! Tag me in!


  • agent zero
    agent zero

    the spanish wt says "milliones que ahora viven quizas nunca mueran", they inserted the whole word Quizas (maybe/might). it's not as subtle as the english small word change, its a whole extra word! on the other hand, the picture still shows it in english so its harder to compare it while looking at the article

  • neverendingjourney
    Instead, they gotta keep their history in a mysterious "We were right back then" kind of illusion to convince everyone that they are right now.

    One of the things that left an indelible impression on me as a teenager was reading in the Proclaimers book how Nathan Knorr had given a talk in the midst of WWII claiming that the League of Nations would make a comeback in a new form. He was certain of this because the book of Revelation said that this would occur. Surely Knorr could not have known about the formation of the United Nations that was still a few years away without divine inspiration!

    Now that I'm older and wiser, I've come to learn that the Watchtower made dozens of claims and predictions that did not come true, yet they choose to highlight those that at least appear to have been correct. For instance, in Crisis of Conscience Franz mentions repeated instances where Rutherford made public pronouncements saying that the Bible foretold the United States and Great Britain would lose WWII and come under the yoke of Fascism. At one point, Rutherford said that there were only months remaining in the old system of things. Somehow, most modern JWs are unaware of these predictions.

  • Farkel

    :I did a little research, (actually just read someone else's research) and posted this a while back:

    That's not the only lie they gave about that talk/booklet. Here's another:

    Originally, Rutherford stated in his “Millions” talk, “Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old.” p. 89, 90.

    After the colossal failure of his 1925 prediction, the trail of lies and cover-ups took their first tenuous start. In the July 1, 1926 Watch Tower magazine this lie was printed, “It was stated in the ‘Millions’ book that we might reasonably expect them to return shortly after 1925.” p. 196

    But the “Millions” booklet stated “may confidently”, not “might reasonably” and that “1925 WILL mark the return,” not“expect them to return SHORTLY AFTER 1925.


  • Terry

    The Watchtower is not about facts, it is about words.

    Always has been.

    You can't own your own facts, but, you can change the meaning of words enough to accomplish the same result.

    Propaganda is a kind of science of words which create effects.

    Whenever the Watchtower has run into the brick wall of REALITY they resort to words to cover the wounds.

    First, Jesus was going to return in 1914 and bring Armageddon. 1914 was not Armageddon was it? No, but--using WORD manipulation

    Jesus suddenly arrived invisibly because of a word: PAROUSIA. It saved their bacon and led to more words covering their train wreck of a promise.

    When Pastor Russell died and the bullyboy Rutherford began his hostile takeover, once again words became the weapon of choice. The Bible Student were swept away by the new words: JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. Rutherford's legal background made these words a natural alternative.

    The interpretive function of the Watchtower as "anointed" voice of God is a mere oracle of word changes, reinterpretations, propaganda and phrase-making passed off as a channel of communication.

    Millions Now Living WILL never Die can easily be changed into Millions Now Living May Never Die.

    Ask yourself this question.....if you want to weasel your way out of actually saying something definite----which word would you employ to give yourself wiggle room; would it be "will" (which is definite) or "may" (which is indefinite)????

    The Watchtower is a Weasel-Word manufacturing corporation start to finish.

  • agonus

    This sort of screw-up is happening more and more all the time. And it's getting more and more obvious all the time.

    I ask again:

    Are they REALLY that stupid and careless?

    Or is this intentional pot-stirring (i.e. to gauge reaction)?


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