2009 Annual Worldwide Service Report -- 7.3 Million Publishers

by Joker10 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • boyzone


    88,000 missing?

    OK some would've died but that still must mean the majority have left - yes? (sorry no good at statistics)

    Thanks for posting this info Joker10

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I could be wrong, but I think these numbers reveal something strange.

    The retention rate of 2008 was 55.5% (comparing baptism numbers against actual average publisher count increases), yet in 2009 it shoots up to 78.5% despite the fact that the number of baptisms is down. I'll go through and check this again.

  • Gayle

    The comparing the baptism #'s to the "increase" # is very important. It shows overall trends in membership retention vs. attrition.

    Right, shows even though more Bible Studies (increase), but less getting baptized (decrease).

  • Dold Agenda
    Dold Agenda

    Interesting...according to these figs they baptized 276000, which is less than last year
    Publishers increased by 188000....where did the missing 88000 go?

    They have died.

    Take 7,046,419 split that with an average lifetime, why not 70,46 years?

    There you have 100.000 statistically

    I guess that many of those that have come to the truth (mostly in developing countries?) the last years, is not of that many old people that will die immediately.. = less dead.

  • slimboyfat
    I could be wrong, but I think these numbers reveal something strange.
    The retention rate of 2008 was 55.5% (comparing baptism numbers against actual average publisher count increases), yet in 2009 it shoots up to 78.5% despite the fact that the number of baptisms is down. I'll go through and check this again.

    Actually there were a couple of years in the eighties when the increase was greater than the number baptised. A retention rate of greater than 100%?

    The fact is that because unbaptised publishers are counted as publishers no definitive retention rate can be calculated using the baptism and publisher figures.

  • slimboyfat
    Interesting...according to these figs they baptized 276000, which is less than last year
    Publishers increased by 188000....where did the missing 88000 go?

    Easily accounted for by a death rate of around 1%. The question is not why is the increase lower than the baptism figure, but rather why isn't it much lower compared to the baptism figure? These figures tend to suggest to me that not as many Witnesses are leaving as we might have imagined/hoped.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    So these day all you need to be a "publisher" is 15 minutes a month. So yeah...lot more "publishers" then there used to be. All they are doing is finding new and inventive ways of spreading that last bit of peanut butter as far as they can and making it look like more than it really is to continue to "provide spiritual food" to the starving for encouragement....masses.

    Oh LOOK the numbers went UP!! Yayyyy!!! Jehovah is BLESSING THE PREACHING WORK!!! Oh LOOK!! The numbers went DOWN!! Jehovah is truly doing the sorting and the great number is cooling off just like the scriptures said it would!!

    Either way...always "good news" to the Witlesses.

  • Gayle

    So these day all you need to be a "publisher" is 15 minutes a month.

    Will the day come when they ask, didn't you try to witness even one minute, or just say you're a Jehovah's Witness one time? okay, we'll count ya!

  • clearlyenlight

    Guys don't be deceived, the Watchtower hit 6 million in 1989 and 11 years later they are only at 7.3 million. Sounds to me that the new publishers are all the new kids that are getting baptized because they programmed to believe in this cult.

    Advent of Deception

  • slimboyfat

    ...except there were only 3.5 million JWs in 1989.

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