Why attack?

by newqatarjob 145 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LisaRose

    Why do Jehovah's Witnesses attack other religions? Is it not because they believe them to be false? To have lied? Do they not claim to be do life saving work to warn people of the danger?

    Well, we have found that the Watchtower is more dangerous than any other religion, that they lied about their history and practices, that they do harm to families by their disfellowshipping policies. We have seen the suicides, the child abuse cover ups, the rank hypocrisy. Yes we speak out and will continue to speak out, why shouldn't we?

    Why don't you investigate this before you condemn us?

  • Fisherman

    Does the WTS hold back from its criticism of other belief systems,

    Disseminating one's views is not an attack, but I suppose that would depend on how attack is defined. One thing for sure, the WTS has never used any means to prevent other 'belief systems' from exercising their freedom. It is a fact that the reverse is not true.

  • WheninDoubt

    Magnum, for all your pompous and arrogant comments, do you really think I care if I get kicked out of this forum? Please get a life. The only idiot here just commented. By the way, what happened to the right and freedom to speak? Isn’t that what all you people are saying, or is it censored so only you can speak?

  • FayeDunaway

    *im sorry, it's just so ironic that a witness would say 'get a life', it makes me grin.

    No, I agree you shouldn't be kicked off, not yet. And hopefully we can all be civil, including you. And not call people idiots.

  • Magnum
    Magnum, for all your pompous and arrogant comments, do you really think I care if I get kicked out of this forum? Please get a life. The only idiot here just commented.

    You just don't get it, do you? There you go again with your argumentum ad hominem. Damn, you're just like my mother. You call my comments "pompous and arrogant"??? Explain how they are. Be specific. Without specifics, your argument amounts to just childish name-calling.

    How would you describe your comments in your opening post? If mine are pompous and arrogant, what are yours? How would your describe your comments indicating we are like Muslim extremists and desire to blow up JW buildings and kill JWs???

    So you are calling me an idiot? Where's the evidence? Give me specifics. Again, you employ the tool of the feeble-minded - argumentum ad hominem. You do realize that's a logical fallacy, don't you? ...Well, on second thought, I'm probably giving you too much credit; you probably don't understand that.

    By the way, what happened to the right and freedom to speak?

    It's not your speaking I have a problem with; it's what you're speaking.

    And I still say that what you said about us blowing up JW buildings and killing JWs is going too far and that you should be banned. That is not acceptable speech. You do not, in my opinion, have the right to say that without sufficient evidence to warrant your saying it.

  • WheninDoubt

    Since Magnum appears to be a big wig, Go ahead, have Simon cut me off. Censoring free speech. So only you can write here? Then this is not an open forum, and I will be justified to bring it up to the European civil rights commission, so go ahead censor me. The good thing all post have been recorded from all subjects of this hate group website. You want to play dirty pool, let’s play. Oh!1 buy the way, not only you can call someone an idiot, I can to.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Oh boy, WheninDoubt is beginning to unravel.

    One thing for sure, the WTS has never used any means to prevent other 'belief systems' from exercising their freedom......Fisherman

    .................................. WatchTower has a Long History of ..


    ........................................Image result for Watchtower the end of false religion is near

  • Viviane
    Censoring free speech.

    So... what's wrong with censoring speech on a website?

    Then this is not an open forum, and I will be justified to bring it up to the European civil rights commission, so go ahead censor me.

    What do you think free speech means?

    The good thing all post have been recorded from all subjects of this hate group website.

    What do you think defines a hate group?

    You want to play dirty pool, let’s play.

    What do you think is "dirty pool"?

    Oh!1 buy the way, not only you can call someone an idiot, I can to.

    Or, you can prove his point.

  • Magnum
    Since Magnum appears to be a big wig, Go ahead, have Simon cut me off. Censoring free speech. So only you can write here? Then this is not an open forum, and I will be justified to bring it up to the European civil rights commission, so go ahead censor me. The good thing all post have been recorded from all subjects of this hate group website. You want to play dirty pool, let’s play. Oh!1 buy the way, not only you can call someone an idiot, I can to.

    You indicated that we are of the mindset to blow up JW buildings and kill JWs. I don't think you have the freedom to say that without strong reason and evidence. There are limits to free speech.

    Oh!1 buy the way, not only you can call someone an idiot, I can to.

    The problem is not that you called me an idiot; it's that you did so without explaining why. Your calling me an idiot was your argument, whereas it should have been followed by an argument. I wouldn't mind if you called me an idiot and followed up by giving specifics as to why you call me such. I have provided specifics in my posts.

    So you call this a hate-group website? You're the only one who's manifested hate. You indicated that we're like Muslim extremist murderers.

    So you're against censor? Do you know anything about JWdom? Do you realize how much free speech exists in JW land?

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