IT IS THE BEST WAY OF LIFE, says my Dub sister.

by wobble 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    As some may remember, I posted about being dubious as to accepting anniversary presents this year from my super-dub family, esp. my older sister.

    Well we agreed with the consensus on here that it was best to accept with gratitude and this we have done, but I would just like to reproduce what she wrote in the card accompanying the present and flowers.

    After the Happy Anniversary she wrote :

    "It makes us sad to think of all the anniversaries past when you were part of our Christian congregation. We do hope as you contemplate this one and the "Ruby"next year that you might want to get back to the " best way of life " with those who care for you both.

    Much love from,

    Super Elder and super dub. "

    I could take issue with all of this of course, Christian congregation ? best way of life ? those who care for us ? etc.

    But I think the best thing I can do is use the card that we send to them with their gifts for their anniversary later this month ,they got married back in the measolithic era, to anti-witness to them.

    What should I say that won't make them just react to me as an Apostate ?




    Now I can see why you did`nt want the gifts to begin with..

    Your Card Message:"Donating Free labour and Time..To a multi billion dollar publishing company,is`nt a life..Your Dead..You just have`nt been buried"..


  • alanv

    Well you could say ' it's only a good way of life if I do exactly as I'm told and not try and do something with my life. Frankly I want more out of my life than that. You must admit that any love that is shown in the cong is totally conditional on me towing the line. Well I can't live like that. There is a world out there to be explored and I'm having a great time now exploring it'

    Just an idea!

  • worldtraveller

    I found that as long as you talk about faith issues, they believe they still have a chance to suck you back into the fold. That seems their only purpose in life. I also found that they have answers to almost every question that you throw at them. If not, they call the 1-800 help line. The one question I asked was actually a comment. I asked him that if all human life came from Adam and Eve, then there was some serious incest. Could you please comment. He could find no explanation. I also asked him about why so many differences in the races around the world. He babbled something about genetic defects. I said that it appeared then that God made mistakes. His response was to forget I even asked the questions.

    Therefore I believe a discussion with them is futile.

    I suppose you should just talk only about issues not related to the cult and ignore all the "borg" stuff.

  • Farkel

    She meant well and was sincere, even though she is misguided. Accept it in the spirit it was given and don't worry about what to do.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    ..and Wonder bakeries makes the BEST bread in the world, BALONEY is the best meat, and Velveeta is the best cheese.

    White bread fromage flickers!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Wow, 80 years ago when you got married, who would have ever thought this system would continue so long beyond 1914 and 1975! These Last Days just last, and last, and last, and last."

    "Glad to see that the old farts in Brooklyn still let you celebrate pagan anniversaries. It would be a damn shame if they were to clamp down on this before you can enjoy your diamond anniversary with your WT Corporate friends."

    Too sarcastic maybe?

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I feel the best response is to marginalize their comment by ignoring it. Send a thank you card, as is appropriate. Comment on what you like about the gift and how you will use it.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    I think its worthy of a reply, since they're insensitive enough to bring up your disappearing lack of support

    of the WT corporation, I'd say making an effort to be honest to why your thankfully not involved with that

    and that hoping they too can see the light of what they are involved in.

    They are throwing dirt on you as to guilt you when the opposite should really happen ,

    in other words throw it back and make it hurt so they awaken. If you don't do this

    they will perceive that you are guilt ridden and it will only confirm within themselves they

    are in the truth. It wont hurt them, rather it might spark them to reflect who and what they are doing.

    Mind you there are good ways to do this and there not so good, be sincere but most important be honest.

  • DrJohnStMark

    Wonder how they (born-ins) can know if they never tried another way.

    And wonder if many JWs on their death bed really think that certainly it was the best way of life...

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