To The Son of Mary

by IslandWoman 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman

    Dear Son of Mary,

    I do not know if Mary and Joseph were your parents. I do not know if you performed miracles, I do not know if you picked 12 Apostles. I do know though, that whoever you were, you said and taught good things! Thank You!

    Many on the earth celebrate your birth, and sing your praises. Many celebrate Christmas in honor of your birth.

    Many (some xJWs included) do so as hypocrites because they really do not believe anything, they simply want to join the crowd while at the same time saying: I am no longer a blind believer of religion! HA!

    The irreligious join the rest of Christianity to symbolically kiss your feet and honor your godship!

    What a crock! Hypocrisy and group mentality reign!


  • unclebruce

    Hey Island Woman,

    You talking to Jesus, James or one of the other sons of God impregnated Mary?

    As far as celibrating christmas, us pagans invented it! (didn't the dubs teach ya nuth'n? lol) Why am I a hypocrite for being myself? As far as following the crowd .. piss off .. i avoid crowds like they carry the pox. lol. It takes either great courage or bitter stupidity to go around insulting a room full of strangers.

    Thanks for the laughs ... next!

    unclesmileybruce (off to celebrate by the pool :)

  • IslandWoman

    Greetings O Great Unclebruce!

    I presume you inquire of my point, I will herewith comply.

    Now, there has been some discussion of late on culpability. My point is that some here who claim not to believe in the Jesus of the Bible still celebrate his birth for their own reasons. If now the general society around them should begin to condemn such celebrations, would those same people then say they had celebrated because others did so, because that was the prevailing mode in their community, because the commercial society in which we live encouraged them? Therefore they themselves were not to blame!

    I think they would, because they are unable to accept responsibility for their own actions, they insist on putting the blame on others.

    That's the first point, the second is.....well nevermind, I think you would understand but can't say it here.


  • IslandWoman


    To put it another way; have all those xJWs who have accused the Tower of hypocrisy rid themselves of hypocrisy?

    Do they live their life true to themselves with no hypocritical lambing to anyone? not even the religions of the world?

    Or are they followers now just as much as they were before, with the unsual caveat of course; it feels good! Which is also the reason why they became JWs, it felt good!


  • zerubberballz

    Hail to thee O Great Island Woman,

    Well, I really can't speak for anyone else but myself. The society I now move about in is a secular one. Organized religion plays little or no active role in the lives of most Australians. But that hasn't stopped us decorating our homes with pretty lights and christmas trees. It doesn't deminish the joy of giving each other presants wrapped in pretty paper. People do laugh and smile more than usual this time of year. We Aussies are eternal optimists and it has nothing to do with ones view of bible scrolls and such. I'm no Freud and it's a boring thing to annalyse but i guess we all breath a sigh of relief that 2001 is over and a fresh new start is had. In one sense it's an illusion but what in life isn't? The happiness is contageous and the goodwill genuine. Outside I hear the neighbours children playing and splashing about in the pool .. wonderfull. (the spanish guy in the flat below this one has gone out witnessing ... poor bastard)

    If and when the totalitarians seize power and grill us as to why, we'll just laugh in the face of thier tyrany the way we always do.
    Who cares why free people are happy and laugh at the slightest excuse. Who cares if people visit churches and sing carols by candlelight for the feel good factor. Didn't we leave off judging others harshly when we wiped the Hall dust off our feet? Not easy is it?

    cheers unclebruce

    Happy New Year

  • COMF

    What a crock! Hypocrisy and group mentality reign!

    Jesus to Island Woman: "Rest easy, IW. Your unprovoked wrath and spontaneous vilification have not gone unnoticed. You have demonstrated the true Christmas spirit toward those who are different from you. Christian peace to only you and those like you."


  • IslandWoman


    Hi, unable to respond earlier, on the road you know.

    Religious hypocrisy, religious kissing up, religious kowtowing is the name of the game for anyone who while declaring they do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God still celebrates Christmas! They rape Christianity for the thrill of it! They trade their conscience for a momentary "joining" with Christendom! Happy liars who mimic Christians while at the same time denegrating them!!

    Sorry, just speaking my mind such as it is!


    I must presume by your post that you are a Christian! A devout man you are no doubt! I am not a Christian in the popular sense of the term.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Uncle Brewsky,


    We Aussies are eternal optimists and it has nothing to do with ones view of bible scrolls and such.
    Spokesman for the Austrailians are ya?

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I do not know if Mary and Joseph were your parents. I do not know if you performed miracles, I do not know if you picked 12 Apostles. I do know though, that whoever you were, you said and taught good things! Thank You!
    He taught good things, but not true things is that what your saying?

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • IslandWoman

    D wiltshire,

    I have more love for his words than for the reported record of his miracles recorded in the Gospels.

    I believe that someone who deeply loved God and his fellow man existed and did all he could to help and teach his disciples what was right. I cannot though put great confidence in the reported miracles declared in the Gospels, books that were picked by and in the hands of, the early Catholic Church.

    I believe Jesus was what every man could ever hope to be: someone who loved God, loved others, spoke truth and gave his life for that truth.


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